University officials continue to assess the impacts of this weekend’s winter weather on WCU’s Cullowhee Campus and the Biltmore Park Instructional site. On Monday, all classes and business operations will resume normal operations.
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Daniel Abankwa
Assistant Professor
Political Sci & Public Affairs
Abdusabur Abdusamadov
Assistant Professor - Practice
Anthropology & Sociology
Susan Abram
Andrew Adams
Interim Director SOM/Professor
Erin Adams
IDES Program Director/Prof
Art and Design
Mary Adams
Criminology & Criminal Justice
Associate Professor
Rachel Adams
Robert Adams
School of Engineering and Tech
Greg Adkison
AMM Ahsan
Mahmoud Aldeni
Mathematics & Computer Science
Brook Alemu
Health Sciences
Mohammad Alimohammadirokni
Ent, Hosp, Market and Spt Mgmt
Catherine Allen
Social Work
Basel Alsayyed Ahmad
Vittal Anantatmula
Econ, Mgmt and Proj Mgmt
Soheyl Anbouhi
Catherine Andrews
Human Services
Dominic Aquilino
Kathleen Armstrong
Barbara Arnold
Kia Karin Asberg
Thomas Ashcraft
Distinguished Professor
Scott Ashley
Asst Prof/Prdctn Mngr/Tech Dir
Risto Atanasov
Dept Head/Professor
Dan Atterholt
Guilherme Baiao
Jerry Baird Jr.
Barbara Ballentine
Jaclyn Bandell
Kaitlin Bargreen
Cara Barker
Hunter Library
Scott Barlowe
Julia Barnes
Erica Barnett
Acquistns Librarian/Asst Prof
Renee Barnwell
Jennifer Barrett Tatum
School of Teaching & Learning
Tammy Barron
Elaine Barry
Patrick Barton
Peter Bates
Geosciences & Nat Resource
Jazmyne Baylor
Tyler Beamer
Robert Beaudet
Derek Becker
Ingrid Bego
Curtis Beimborn
Chemistry and Physics
Aarti Bellara
Asssistant Professor
Travis Bennett
Judy Berglund
Price Berryhill
Charles Berryhill
Daniel Best
Christopher Beyer
Christopher Beyt
Matthew Binford
Brittania Bintz
Janice Black
Eleanor Blair
Jeremiah Blankenship
Physical Therapy
Sally Blanton
Kimberly Blazzard
Lisa Bloom
Candace Boan-Lenzo
Michael Boatright
Andrew Bobilya
Nathan Borchelt
Liz Borom
Stage and Screen
Chaitanya Borra
Indrani Bose
James Boudreau
Dan Bradbury
Jonathan Bradshaw
Susan Braithwaite
Ellen Brake
Cherokee Lang Instructor
Kathleen Brennan
Patricia Bricker
JM Robinson Distinguished Professor
School of Teaching and Learning
Rachel Bridgers
Emily Brier
Lewis Briggs
[H]Health, Physical Education
Lisa Briggs
David Broadway
Katie Brodhead
Alleyne Broomell
Allyson Brown
Patrice Brown
Stephen Brown
Sibley Bryan
Lara Bryant
Hannah Buala
Heidi Buchanan
Beth Budden
Mark Budden
Debra Burke
Acct, Fin, Info Sys and Law
Lyn Burkett
Matthew Burleson
Pamela Buskey
Corey Bussier
David Butcher
Karen Butcher
Kamal Butrouna
Brian Byrd
Wendy Cagle
Erin Callahan
Kristin Calvert
Dept Head DATS/Assoc Prof
Jonathan Campbell
Dir Psy/Hlth Svc Psych/Prof
Tara Campbell
Clinical Assistant Professor
Cynthia Caravelis
Andrew Carnes
Professor/School Dir EMPM
C. Carpenter
John Carr
William Carrell
Catherine Carter
John Carzoli
Assoc Dept Head PT/Asst Prof
Jessica Casimir-Vadeboncoeur
Samantha Castelblanco
Machelle Cathey
Instructor/Grant Coordinator
Communication Sciences and Dis
Lori Caudle
Ru Caulkins
Dianne Chadwick
Utpal Chakraborty
Theresa Chandler
Forrest Charnock
Ethan Cheng
Grace Cheshire
Andrew Chockla
John Chrisman
Cheryl Clark
Collin Clark
Mae Claxton
Suet-Hing Clement
Regina Cline
Robert Clines
Matt Clontz
Heather Coan
Ted Cobb
Andrew Coburn
Assoc Dir Study Dev Shorelines
James Coffin
Tamera Cole
Brian Collin
Joanna Collins
Todd Collins
DH/Steed Distinguised Prof
Michael Conklin
David Conn
Debra Connelly
Donald Connelly
Professor/Radio Station Adv
Christopher Cooper
Karena Cooper-Duffy
James Costa
Exec Dir Hbs/Prof
Kia Countess
Mark Couture
World Languages
Christopher Cox
Philip Coyle
Richard Creasy
School Director AFIB/Professor
Robert Crow
Gary Curnutt
Acct, Fin, Info Sys, Bus Law
Russell Curtis
Mariana Da Costa
Paige Dagenhard-Trainer
Ya Dai
Aubrey Ray Dalana
Brad Daniel
Bryan Darden
Emily Darnell
Andrea Daventry
Philosophy & Religion
Thomas Daventry-Shea
Bethany Davidson
Todd Davidson
John Davis
Thales De Nardo
Channa De Silva
James Dean
Annette Debo
James Deconinck
Mary Deconinck
Andrew Denson
Jerry Denton
Instructor/Lab Tech
Victoria Depew
Sloan Despeaux
Jackson Deziel
Angela Dills
Endowed Professor
Brian Dinkelmeyer
Assoc Professor
Kelley Dinkelmeyer
Robert Donnellan
Kathryn Dorney
Comm Sciences & Disorders
David Dorondo
Kristy Doss
Christopher Doval
Nora Doyle
Jeanne Dulworth
Pamela Duncan
Sara Duncan
Derrek Dunn
Kimmel School of Construct Mgt
Eddy Duranty
Edward Duranty
Chemistry & Physics
Terrica Durbin
Dir School of Nursing/Prof
Anna Dysart
Jane Eastman
Jillian Echlin
Megan Eckardt
Amy Eilers
Hamid EisaZadeh
Anthony Elders
Scott Eldredge
Dept Head/Associate Professor
Gail Elliott
Kimberly Elliott
[H]Educ Leadership & Foundat
Lydia Elliott
Asst Prof/FNP Prog Dir
Andrew Emerson
Alice Emery
SS Adjunct
Mary Engel
Georgia Ennis
Phil Entzminger
Visiting Assistant Professor
Heather Mae Erickson
Dustin Evatt-Young
Melissa Faetz
Amy Fagan
Dept Head/Assoc Prof
Charles Fagan
Yang Fan
Betty Farmer
William Faust
Mary Fenton
Kimiko Ferguson
Mathis Ferguson
Robert Ferguson
Greg Ferrin
Gregory Ferrin
Donald Fischer
Jennifer Fisher
Larry Fisher
Christopher Flinchum
Charles Folds
Nathan Folse
Frank Forcino
Janet Ford
John Ford
Melodie Frick
H. Kevin Fulk
Maria Gainey
Andy Gambill
Meghan Gangel
Santiago Garcia-Castanon
Patrick Gardner
Endowed Prof/Director
Mariano Garrido-Lopez
Director of Graduate Programs
Brian Gastle
Bruce Gehrig
Professor/Dept Head
Rebecca George
Marie-Line Germain
William Gibbs
Joe Giordano
Donald Goebel
Ruth Goins
Enrique Gomez
Loidaly Gonzalez-Rosario
Kimberly Gordon
Gael Graham
Robert Graham
Nelson Granda-Marulanda
Andrew Grandage
Alicia Grande
Heidi Grappendorf
Cody Grasty
Jake Greear
James Gregory
Paula Grisinger
Cathy Grist
Carolyn Grosch
Asst Prof/Curator Coll/Exhbtn
Danny Grube
Needham Gulley
Inhyuck Ha
Julia Haager
Sur Ah Hahn
Kimberlee Hall
Ann Hallyburton
Chad Hallyburton
Benjamin Hamburger
Emma Hamilton
Sisi Han
Weaver Haney
John Hansen
Jordan Harless
Liz Harper
Kristen Harrell
Donna Harris
Adam Harris
Darby Harris
Jennifer Harris
Leigh Hartman
Kyle Harvey
Joseph Hashem
Tarek Abdelmoneim Hassan Kandil
Associate Professor - Practice
School of Engineering & Technology
Jessica Hayden
Colleen Hayes
Asst Prof/Prog Dir BSN
Jacob Heiling
Rebekah Henderson
Amanda Henderson
Visiting Instructor
David Henderson
Kimberly Hendrix
Tonya Hensley
Mickey Henson
Kyle Hess
Susan Hester
Ian Hewer
Asst Prof/Prog Dir Nurs Anthsa
Maureen Hickman
Shelby Hicks
Rangika Hikkaduwa Koralege
John Hildreth
Lisa Hilger
Yue Hillon
Sonja Himes
Jennifer Hinton
Patricia Hipgrave
Mark Holliday
Rebecca Holmes
Adjunct Lecturer
Robert Holquist
Denise Homewood
Bardo Arts Ctr Exec Dir/Asc Pr
Sara Hopkins
Katherine Hoppensteadt
Misty House
Joy Howard
Cory Howk
Christopher Hoyt
Yeqin Huang
Beth Huber
Phillip Huber
Brittany Hudgins-Graham
School of Nursing
David Hudson
Dept Head/Distinguished Prof
Kimberly Hudson
Human Movement Science Lab
Timothy Hudson
Scott Huffman
Jane Hughes
Priscilla Hummel
Summer Huntley-Dale
Ashley Hyatt
Jeremy Hyman
Hugh Jack
Sarah Jackson
Myron Jackson
Kathy Jaqua
Ian Jeffress
Alesia Jennings
Steve Johnson
Associate Instructor
Chris Johnson
Christa Johnson
James Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Julie Johnson-Busbin
Amanda Jones
Beth Jones
Jeremy Jones
Joshua Jones
Robert Jones
School of Health Sciences
David Jons
Alexandria Joyner
Andrew Jurik
Tarek Kandil
Karen Kandl
Yee Kao
William Kapakos
Elizabeth Kapel
Berna Karayaka
Hayrettin Karayaka
Jeanne Kaufman
Sudhir Kaul
Robert Kehrberg
Kate Kelleher
Kelly Kelley
Professor/UP Coord
Kelariz Keshavarz
Namhee Kim
Ethan King
Brent Kinser
Jessica Kirby
James Kirkpatrick
Studio Tech/Inst
Mary Knowlton
William Kreahling
Taya Kretz-Notelle
William R. Kwochka
Mary LaFratta
Jonathan LaTourelle
Ronald Laboray
Leonidas Lagrimas
Robert Lahm
Johnny Lail
Adjunct Professor
Marco Lam
Robert Landry
Candice Laney
Sheldon Lanier
Raymond Large
Olivier Larouche
Jason Lavigne
Morgan Lawson
Jeffrey Lawson
Makayla Lechnowskyj
Jason Ledford
Lisa Lefler
Asc Pr/Dir CB Chrkee Hlth Prg
Jennifer Lehman
William Lehman
Prof/Dept Head
Yu Lei
Siham Lekchiri
Laura Lembeck
Michael Lenz
Political Science & Public Affairs
Angela Lewis-Myers
Grace Li
Matthew Liddle
Sarah Likis-Werle
Brenda Lilly
Luiz Felipe Lima Da Silveira
Mark Linderman
Stephanie Lino
Jane Livingstone
Kae Livsey
Professor/Dir Com Rel & Schlp
Deborah Logan
Kofi Lomotey
Bardo Distinguished Professor
Patricia Long
Tanya Long
Edward Lopez
Dir, CSFE/BBT Distg Professor
Mark Lord
Nancy Luke
Jane Lutken
Alexander Macaulay
Stacy Macke
Brona Maddox
Lann Malesky
Meredith Malpass
William Mandeville
Luke Manget
Jennifer Mantini
Joey Marion
Charles Marth
Susan Martin
Terry Martin
Thomas Martin
Assoc Prof/Dept Head
Diane Martinez
Michael L. Martinez, Jr
Karen Mason
Nancy Matar
Joseph Mathews
Katherine Mathews
Michael Mazarky
David McCord
Seth McCormick
Samuel McGuire
Amy McKenzie
Erin McNelis
Assoc Prof
Gregory McPherson
Exhibitions Designer
Elizabeth McRae
Melissa Mecadon-Mann
Matthew Meier
Sarajane Melton
Justin Menickelli
Tracy Mensah
Charlene Merritt
Katharine Mershon
April Messer
Christina Meyer-Jax
Annie Meyers
Niall Michelsen
Emma Miller
Jerry Miller
Distngshd Professor
Miranda Miller
Monica Miller
Heather Mina
Lisa Mingus
Sarah Minnis
Julia Ann Mitchell
Shannon Moore
Denise Morgan
John Morgan
Mark Morgan
Patricia Morse
Sean Mulholland
Todd Murdock
Amy Murphy-Nugen
Munene Mwaniki
Erin Myers
Kimberly Myers
Alex Naar
Emily Naser-Hall
Martha Neaves
Randi Neff
Kim Neidlinger
Diana New
Jeananne Nichols
Belk Distinguished Prof Music Ed
School of Music
Lee Nickles
Peter Nieckarz
Kyler Nielson
Candy Noltensmeyer
Ali Norvell
Sean O'Connell
Darlene O'Rourke
Kathryn Odom
Billy Ogletree
Katie Ollendick
Asst Prof/Dir Clinical Educ
Adam Olsen
Librarian/Assistant Prof
Joseph Olson
School of Stage & Screen
Yumiko Ono
Kadence Otto
Joshua Overbay
Steven Owens
Lori Oxford
Justin Pace
Clare Papay
Zoie Park
Ronald Parker
Charles Parrish
Sarah Parsons
Geosciences & Natural Resources
Nicholas Passalacqua
Tamera Pearson
Joseph Pechmann
Sarah Pedonti
William Peebles
Andrew Penland
Undugodage Don Nuwan Perera
Robert Perkins
Lane Perry
Executive Director
April Perry
Asst Dept Head/Assoc Prof
Jessica Perry
Nathan Perry
Evan Peterson
Tara Peterson
Asst Prof
Eleanor Petrone
Adam Phillips
Dwain Picou
Robert Pierce
John Pilkinton
Katie Pincura
Holly Pinter
Meagan Pittman
Theresa Piwowar
Laura Plantenberg
Instructor/Health Svcs Coord
Aaron Plantenberg
Hannah Pollard
Tatiana Potts
School of Art & Design
Roslynn Powell
Malcolm Powell
Jenna Powers
Malik Pratt
Sheila Price
Asst Prof/RIBN Prgm Dir
Amy Putnam
Emily Querin
Scott Rader
Nora Radway Moore
Brian Railsback
Sanjay Rajagopal
Joshua Rakower
Mickey Randolph
Ronald Rash
Aaron Ratcliffe
Matthew Rave
Anne Reinert
Clark Reisinger
Christina Reitz
Patricia Renshaw
Kelli Rhoads
Tracie Rice
Department Head/Asst Prof
Brenda Riemer
Brett Riggs
Sequoyah Distinguished Prof
Heather Rimes
Asst Prof/MPA Director
Geraldine Riouff
Andrew Ritenour
Clarence Roach
Lisen Roberts
Eve Rock
Aimee Rockhill
Courtney Rogers
Carrie Rogers
Ted Rogers
Amy Rose
Assoc Dept Head/Assoc Prof
Terry Rose
Jason Ross
Alysia Rossa
Nathan Roth
Trevor Roth
Brenda Roughton
Travis Rountree
Scott Rowe
Joseph Ruebel
Brandon Rupinski
Charmion Rush
Charles Russell
Joshua Russell
Assoc Prof/Scrnwrtng/FTP Coord
Meredith Saba
Head of Access, Research & Instructional Services
Gauhar Sabih
Subhshri Sahu
Patricia Sands
Kenneth Sanney
Dir/Acct,Fin,Info Sys,Bus Law
Gloria Sapounova
Rebecca Saunders
Peter Savage
Roya Scales
David Scales
Bryan Schaffer
Econ, Mgt, Proj Mgt
Xizhen Schenk
Jennifer Schiff
Professor/Dir LSA
Ethan Schilling
Krista Schmidt
Prof/Ref Lib/Sci Liaison
Shane Schoepfer
Lori Schrodt
Jeremy Schulman
Callie Schultz
Jeremy Schultz
Edward Schwartzman
Andrew Scott
John Seefeldt
Ophir Sefiha
Elizabeth Sexton
JoBeth Shafran
Anjana Sharma
Tamra Shea
Robert Sheehan
Francine Sheppard
John Sherlock
Michael Shick
Tiffiny Shockley
Ellen Sigler
Tammy Simmons
Debby Singleton
Damon Sink
Alyssa Sinyard
Donald Sinyard
David Skinner
Maggie Skiscim
Catherine Smith
Juanita Smith
Rachel Smith
Tonya Snider
Melissa Snyder
David Solomon
Anthony Songer
Carole Sorrenti
Ivor Sparks
Mary Sparrow
Katerina Spasovska
Thomas Spendlove
Engineering Technology
Emily Stafford
Teresa Starrs
Benjamin Steere
Robert Steffen
Sarah Steiner
Assoc Prof/Hd of Res Inst Svcs
Andrea Stewart
Cheryl Stone
Wesley Stone
Paul Stonehouse
Amanda Storm
Amy Stringer
Adrienne Stuckey
Diane Styers
SungJoon Suk
Jessie Swigger
Hannah Sykes
Vicki Szabo
Zsolt Szabo
Martin Tanaka
Joseph Tang
Erin Tapley
Prof/Dir Sch of Art Design
Allison Teeples
Mary Teslow
Benedict Tholkes
Minu Thomas
Assistance Professor
Erica Thompson
Amber Thompson
Beth Thompson
Dept Head COM/Asst Prof
Shannon Thompson
Elizabeth Thompson Rainey
Allison Thorp
Assoc Prof/Dir Choral Actvts
Ashley Thrasher
Richard Tichich
Neil Torda
Caitlin Torrence
Colin Townsend
Kelly Tracy
Laura Trivette
Angela Trombley
Asst. Prof/DNP Prog. Dir.
Ronald Turk
Brad Ulrich
Margaret Underwood
Associate Professor/Dir of Bands
Lori Unruh
Ann Valle
Nancy Valverde
Tamara Vander Day
Geoffrey Vanderpal
Jamie Vaske
Andre Velasquez Landmann
Jeffrey Vickery
Cristina Viera
Johanna Vinyard
Andrew Virtue
David Virtue
Botner Distinguished Professor
Emily Virtue
Heidi Von Dohlen
John Wagaman
Thaddeus Walker
Elizabeth Wall-Bassett
Jamie Wallen
Associate Professor/Dept Head
John Walsh
Samuel Walter
Brett Walters
David Walton
Dir, African & AA Studies/AP
Elizabeth Wark
Ashlee Wasmund
Assoc Prof/Prog Coord Dance
Colin Wasmund
Whitney Waters
Cheryl Waters-Tormey
Myra Watson
Todd Watson
Thomas Watterson
John Weatherford
Dr. Melinda Weathers
Isaac Webster
Mikum Webster
Chelsea Weddle
Jessica Weiler
David Wells
Frankie West
Keith West
Tonya Westbrook
Mary Whatley
Amelia Wheeler
Brian Whelan
Ent, Hosp, Tourism, Mkt, Sports Mgt
Ramona Whichello
Barbara White
Callan White-Hinman
Shara Whitford
John Whitmire
Brianna Wiener
Denise Wilfong
Dolores Willey
Professor/Dir Assessment COB
John Williams
Annie Wilson
Evelyn Wilson
Kim Winter
Veronica Wisnewski-Parks
Gabriel Wisnewski-Parks
Bradley Witzel
Adl Wrth Dls Dst Prf
Pavel Wlosok
Andrea Wlosokova Adamcova
Claire Wofford
Mesfin Woldeyohannes
Richard Wolf-Spencer
Dallas Wood
Beth Woodard
Megan Woody
Cynthia Wray
Laura Wright
Yanjun Yan
Weiguo Yang
Yiqing Yang
Yang Yang
Paul Yanik
Isacko Yattani
Kelly Yerkes
Amy Yin
Assistant Professor of Practice
Robert Youker
Robert Young
Lisabeth Young
Program for Study of Dev Shorelines
Tasha Youstin
Katie Zejdlik-Passalacqua
Yang Zhang
Ericka Zimmerman
Dir Sch Health Sci/Professor
Stacey Zimmerman
David de Jong