Wongonyi, a scattered settlement located about five hours drive-time southwest of Nairobi, is isolated from major population centers by sheer distance and poor roads.
The family-friendly concert will conclude with a holiday sing-along and an appearance by Santa Claus.
The second annual Cherokee studies event will be held Monday, Nov. 19, on the WCU campus and again Tuesday, Nov. 20, at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian in Cherokee.
Using nanotechnology-related imaging is a new technology that is only used in research labs, said Western Carolina University associate professor of bioinorganic chemistry Channa De Silva. His lab happens to be one of those places. De Silva is currently using the technology on a project that involves making nanoparticles with hopes of assisting with cancer imaging.
When former Highlands resident Curtis Meltzer died Dec. 17, 2017, he left a multimillion dollar estate gift to WCU to support students in the College of Arts and Sciences, increasing his and wife Enid’s overall scholarship endowment to $3.3 million.
The university's Adelaide Worth Daniels Distinguished Professor of Special Education was recognized with one of the top honors presented by the Board of Governors.
Registration is open for the Sylva Rotary Club's 5K that will be held Thursday, Nov. 22, on the WCU campus.
Members of the board have a popular tradition of hosting social occasions with students featuring casual conversation and chicken pot pie as the main course.
A finalist for the dean’s position in the College of Business will be coming to campus to participate in interviews and deliver a public presentation.