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cats give back morningstar2

Catamount community gives back during annual service weekend

Members of the WCU family from as close as the Cullowhee campus to as far away as Ohio recently took time out of their schedules to provide a helping hand to their local communities for the second annual “Cats Give Back” service weekend.  

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Hayley Sexton | A Day in the Life

Join Hayley Sexton, a student at Western Carolina University, as she navigates a typical day balancing academics and her passion for baseball photography. Follow along as she captures the thrilling moments on and off the field with the WCU baseball team.  

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Ireland Update- Day Seven

Pride of the Mountains to Ireland: Day 7

On Sunday morning, you could feel the excitement in the hustle and bustle in the hotel lobby as students prepared for the parade. Some students were half-dressed in their uniforms and enjoying their last Irish breakfast while others did their hair and added decorative makeup to their faces.  

health equity data

Faculty, students collaborate on Health Equity Data Consortium

Faculty and students represent WCU as part of 11 universities within the state tasked with engaging faculty and students to assess the impact the pandemic has had on NC residents.  

Ireland Update- Day Six

Pride of the Mountains to Ireland: Day 6

Saturday started out as a rainy morning. The band loaded up the buses and departed for a short trip downtown to Trinity College where they would visit the Book of Kells and later went to Taylors Three Rock for a night of food, music and dancing.  

Ireland Update- Day Five

Pride of the Mountains to Ireland: Day 5

The band had a slightly earlier start this morning because they would be making an almost 4-hour journey to the west coast of Ireland to visit the Cliffs of Moher. When they departed Dublin, it was looking like it would be another cloudy and rainy day.   

Ireland Update- Day Four

Pride of the Mountains to Ireland: Day 4

On Thursday, March 14th, Pride of the Mountains journeyed from Dublin down to Kilkenny where they put on an energetic performance for a crowd of visitors and local school children. They also toured Kilkenny Castle and explored the shops.   

paysour with student

Additional donations boost estate gift, enable patron to see impact on parks, rec students

Michael G. Paysour, a 1974 graduate of WCU, wanted to see firsthand the impact of his philanthropy and meet the young people he was helping.  

spring lit fest 22

Spring Literary Festival returns to Cullowhee with Pulitzer Prize winner, bestsellers

The 22nd Spring Literary Festival returns to Western Carolina University April 1-5, with 13 writers and authors scheduled to attend.   

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