It was not the usual academic partnership when physical therapy professor Doug Keskula and speech-language pathology associate professor Leigh Odom traveled from WCU to Canada this summer for a dissection workshop.
When Chancellor Kelli R. Brown walked onto the Performance Hall stage of Bardo Arts Center last Wednesday, she peered into a packed auditorium of faculty and staff eager to hear expectations for the 2022-23 academic year.
WCU has promoted Deidre Hopkins to serve as its Title IX Coordinator and Equity Officer.
The WCU Senior Leadership Fellows Program will wrap up its pilot year this fall and begin seeking nominations for a new cohort to begin in January 2023.
Jennifer Hinton, professor and program director of the recreational therapy program, was recently named president-elect of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association.
A $5,000 grant will help boost an educator preparation exchange program between WCU and North Carolina A and T State University.
Diane Martinez, an associate professor in the Department of English Studies, will head to Germanuy as a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program award recipient.
Having been named a Fulbright Scholar, John Carzoli, assistant professor and associate department head in the Physical Therapy Program, is headed to South America.
English professor Mae Miller Claxton has won the Phoenix Award for Distinguished Achievement by the Eudora Welty Society.