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Assessment Plans

Plans for gathering evidence of student learning occur at the program and institution level.  While our faculty and staff in each program and unit are responsible for determining the methods and appropriateness of selected assessment measures, our comprehensive plan outlines ways to integrate evidence of assessment and student learning across the institution. 


Assessment of learning at WCU is designed to measure student skills, knowledge, and accomplishments at the program-level. All of our academic programs, including majors, stand-alone minors, and certificates, are required to engage in ongoing outcomes-based program assessment requiring annual continuous improvement reporting.  

Faculty in academic programs are responsible for developing student learning outcomes and program assessment plans that are appropriate for their discipline. For each academic major, outcomes are defined, student progress toward these outcomes are monitored, and results are used to continue, modify, or reinforce aspects of the program to ensure continuous advancement in program quality.  

Assessment plans are reflective of our university’s strategic vision as well as the mission and goals of the program or unit. Each plan includes outcomes and when/how they will be assessed.   


Our institutional vision is to be a model of student learning and engagement and our mission is to create learning opportunities that incorporate teaching, research, service, and engagement. In order to assess student learning at the course, program, college, and institution-level, WCU integrates findings from program level assessments with assessment findings from our General Education (Liberal Studies) Curriculum, Quality Enhancement Plan, and institutional surveys.

Our General Education (Liberal Studies) engages in an on-going assessment of student learning within its curriculum. General Education (Liberal Studies) Curriculum is based on eight student learning outcomes that include Inquiry, Information Literacy, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Means of Expression, Awareness of Self, Awareness of Cultural Diversity, and Awareness of Impact. 

Our QEP, DegreePlus, is an experiential learning program that utilizes curricular and co-curricular learning opportunities to promote transferable skill development. DegreePlus aims to educate students on the value of experiences that promote student learning outcomes associated with transferable skills, including leadership, cultural responsiveness, teamwork, and professionalism. The program ensures quality and demonstrates continuous improvement through annual assessments. The Center for Career and Professional Development oversees DegreePlus programs. 

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is administered to first-year and graduating students across the nation to learn more about their academic and social engagement patterns. WCU has administered the NSSE survey first in 2008 and then every three years since 2009. NSSE data informs us about educational engagement and student experiences in high impact educational practices. 

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