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Special Opportunities for Philosophy and Religion Students

Students in the Philosophy and Religion student commons


Take advantage of the many special opportunities available to you! The department offers a Philosophy and Religion Club (Symposium Society); conferences and seminars, including a visiting lecturer series; and a publication, The Gadfly , for students and the WCU community.

Look for classes with a travel and training component and you could go to a conference in Washington, D.C. with your professor and classmates.

You’ll also work closely with your adviser to set your course schedules and pursue scholarships or study abroad opportunities. Your adviser can meet with you to discuss your academic long-range plan and your next semester plan. Advisers help you take the courses you want to take while you meet graduation requirements.

Philosophy and Religion on Facebook

Check out the Philosophy and Religion Department Facebook page.

Learn more about other WCU academic and professional groups at Catamount Connections.

Philosophy and Religion Conferences and Seminars

Conference Presentation Opportunities

The following conferences provide an opportunity for you to give a presentation. Talk to a faculty member in the department or follow the links for more information.

Conference Deadline for Submissions Dates of Conference
North Carolina Religious Studies Association Sept./Oct. November
North Carolina Philosophical Society December February
American Academy of Religion (SE Region) "SECSOR" December March
NCUR (National Conferences on Undergraduate Research) December April
Undergraduate Philosophy Conference (at UNCA) January February
WCU Undergraduate Expo March April


Journal Publishing Opportunities

Publication Deadline for Submissions
 Stance - Ball State University,
Muncie, IN
mid-December for
April publication
Aporia - Brigham Young University,
Provo, UT
Sept. or Oct. for
Fall publication

Jan. or Feb. for
Spring publication

Ephemeris - Union College,
Schenectady, NY
January for
Spring publication
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