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Brandy Tiernan

Brandy Tiernan

College of Education and Allied Professions


Contact Information

Phone: 828.227.3784
Office: 301A Killian Building
Personal Website:
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers


Brandy Tiernan earned a BA in psychology from the University of North Texas, an MA in experimental psychology from Western Kentucky University, and a PhD in cognitive psychology (with a neuroscience focus and a minor in gerontology) from Iowa State University of Science and Technology. Dr. Tiernan uses behavioral methods and time-locked EEG activity to study cognitive control operations such as error detection, inhibition, conflict monitoring, and emotion processing. As the director of the Emotion and Cognitive Control Laboratory, she regularly trains students in the event-related brain potential technique. Her recent work focuses on our ability to regulate our thoughts during times of emotional strain.


  • Ph D, Iowa State University, Cognitive Psychology

Teaching Interests

Cognitive Neuroscience, Affective Neuroscience, Social Cognitive Neuroscience, The History of Neuroscience, Research Methods, Psychopharmacology, Psychology of Race and Bias, Motivation and Emotion

Research Interests

Self-Regulation, Cognitive Control, Event-Related Brain Potentials, Emotion Regulation, Borderline Personality Disorder, Social Anxiety, Stigma, Aging<br><br>Email Dr. Tiernan if you're interested in learning more about her scholarship and lab activities.

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