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University Police FAQs



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These are a few frequently asked questions.  For inquires, comments or questions you may reach the WCU Police Department directly at 828-227-8911 (non-emergencies). Please see the directory for staff information.

Staff Directory

Safety Tips 

For many years, our department was referred to as a security department. Even today, some people still refer to us as "security." However, over twenty years ago, we transitioned from a security to a police department. We offer many of the same services as traditional law enforcement agencies. We also have officers on duty 24 hours-a-day throughout the entire year. If you need to obtain information, report a crime or traffic crash, or have any needs for which we can provide assistance, please call us at 828-227-7301. If you need to report an emergency, serious traffic crash, or a crime in progress, please call our emergency telephone number at 828-227-8911.

There are more similarities than differences. University police officers must undergo a stringent screening process before they are employed. In many cases, our screening process is more stringent than those found with other law enforcement agencies throughout the state. Once employed, a university police officer must attend a regional police academy where he or she trains along with law enforcement officers from municipal police departments, county sheriffs' departments, and other local or state law enforcement agencies. Once a university police officer has successfully completed the Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) academy, he or she must pass a statewide examination before the North Carolina Attorney General’s Office certifies him or her as a law enforcement officer. The North Carolina Attorney General’s Office oversees law enforcement certification for all law enforcement officers in the state of North Carolina.

However, there are some noticeable differences. In addition to academy training, a newly employed university police officer must complete an extensive field training officer program. This program integrates the academy training into practical work experience that prepares the officer to work on his or her own. Not all law enforcement agencies offer this program. Also, we have found where the WCU Police Department provides more in-service training for its officers than many other law enforcement agencies throughout the state. Finally, in addition to enforcing state laws, university police officers are also responsible for assisting in the enforcement of university parking rules and regulations, Housing Department rules and regulations, and the Student Code of Conduct.

The University Police Department has an authorized strength of 18 police officers. The department also has support staff consisting of telecommunications and clerical personnel. This does not include student employees. There are always at least two police officers and one telecommunications operator on-duty. In addition to the officers assigned to patrol the university, there is also one officer assigned as a crime prevention coordinator and one as an investigator.

Western Carolina University is concerned with the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the negative effect it can have on student performance and health. Therefore, the University has developed policies that narrowly define the circumstances under which alcohol may be consumed on campus. Policies addressing alcoholic beverage consumption include the Tailgating Policy (PDF), Use and Storage of Alcoholic Beverages in Management and International Business Courses Which Involve the Use of These Substances for Educational Purposes Policy, and the WCU General Alcoholic Beverage Policy.

No. North Carolina General Statute §14-269.2 prohibits the possession of firearms on campus except in very rare cases. Additionally, university policy and rules prohibit the possession of firearms on campus. Individuals found violating this law are subject to arrest. Additionally, students possessing weapons are in violation of the Student Code of Conduct and shall be referred to the Office of Judicial Affairs. Because of this prohibition, the university police are not allowed to store firearms or other weapons.

Being safe means different things to different people. Some people measure safety by the amount of crime on campus. Typically, most university and college campuses experience less crime than their surrounding communities. Information relating to crime on campus is available in the University’s Annual Safety Report  (PDF).

The university police department, along with other university departments, has implemented a number of programs and features to assist with safety. These include:

  • Emergency blue light telephones strategically located around the campus.
  • An walking escort program - dial 828-227-7301 for assistance.
  • Crime prevention programs presented in the residence halls and at other locations upon request.
  • Officers patrolling many walkways and parking lots in vehicles and on foot.

Representatives from the police department serve on various university committees and work in conjunction with other university departments that constantly review safety issues.
As part of our community policing efforts, officers are assigned to liaison with resident hall staff to work to provide resident students with crime prevention and safety information on request. Additionally, a full-time crime prevention coordinator is available to provide information or present programs.

However, being safe is often based on common sense and following those well-known rules that your parents and others have taught you. This includes:

  • Do not trust strangers.
  • Always travel with those you know.
  • Remembering that there is safety in numbers.
  • Don't leave valuables unattended (not even for a minute).

University police officers are not trained mechanics or locksmiths. Generally, the complexity of late model vehicles requires a person with special training and who is bonded and insured to reimburse the motorist for any damage that may be caused to their vehicle while it is being serviced.

While the university police department cannot offer this level of service and protection, there are many garages and service stations in Jackson County that can assist you when you have a problem with your vehicle. We recommend that you ascertain what motor clubs are recognized by the local garages and service stations and obtain a membership in one of those clubs.

Regardless of whether a university police officer can assist you with your vehicle's problem, we recommend that you call and notify us of your situation (828-227-7301). If you have concerns about being stranded in a remote area, a university police officer may stand by or transport you to another campus location of your choice while you await assistance.

The university police department accepts a limited number of interns each semester. If you are interested in applying for an internship, please make an appointment with the Administrative Lieutenant at least six weeks before the semester in which the internship begins.

Moving from home and being on your own for the first time is a major life step for most young people. They must accept a higher level of responsibility for their behavior and safety. This is part of the maturation process through which they become responsible adults.

One thing parents can do to help their son or daughter successfully progress through this process is to remain involved. Parents may wish to consider the philosophy that is practiced by many university departments: support and challenge.

Young people need support to help make good decisions or address issues in a responsible manner. Parents should stay in contact with their student(s) and discuss important life issues such as the use of alcohol, tobacco products or drugs, dating, sex, or personal safety. Students should be encouraged to contact the police department with any questions or problems they may have. A good contact is the Crime Prevention Coordinator at 828-227-3207.

However, young people also need to be challenged to take responsibility for their lives and actions. Parents are encouraged to help their student(s) make good decisions. Part of the adult learning process is for students to understand there are consequences associated with bad decisions. This includes decisions that result in unacceptable behavior. Parents should constantly remind their

In order to view those individuals who have been reported to the North Carolina Sex Offender and Public Protection Registry as being sexual offenders or predators, simply click on the link below and follow the instructions as indicated. This database provides what is perhaps the most current list available for this information. Western Carolina University currently uses 28723 as its primary zip code and a search can be completed for that specific zip code. The Town of Sylva uses the zip code of 28779. All other inquiries can be made for either Jackson County or the specific zip code for your area. The web site address for this information is:

If you wish to get a copy of a police report, you need to contact the Western Carolina University Police Department at 828-227-7301.

Reports of theft or other crimes should be reported to University Police for investigation.If you are a victim of a crime on campus, notify the University Police immediately at 828-227-7301 (non-emergency) or 828-227-8911 (emergency).

Resident assistants play a major role in reporting criminal activity in the residence halls and are required to keep a log of incidents occurring during their shifts. When appropriate, staff from Housing or Student Affairs may be involved in answering a call for assistance. If you are victimized off-campus, call 911 and report your crime. If you are not sure if the crime occurred on- or off-campus, please call the University Police and we will help determine to whom you should report your crime. Do not disturb any evidence. Information that would assist police in resolving the case includes the:

  • name of victim
  • exact location of the incident
  • injuries or need for medical attention
  • description of the scene
  • description of any suspect
  • name of the suspect, if known
  • description and license numbers of any involved vehicles

Contact the University Police by calling 828-227-8911. Be prepared to tell the telecommunications operator:

  • your emergency or nature of call
  • your location (know where you are)
  • who you are
  • any suspect information available
  • and answer any other questions the dispatcher has

If you witness a crime or suspicious activity, notify the police immediately. Call 828-227-8911 if the suspicious activity is occurring or 828-227-7301 if the activity is no longer occurring. Call 911 for crimes or suspicious activities occurring off-campus. Do not try to detain any criminals or suspicious individuals. Let the police do that. Do not disturb any evidence. Information that would assist police in resolving the case includes:

  • name of victim
  • exact location of the incident
  • injuries or need for medical attention
  • description of the scene
  • description of any suspect
  • description and license numbers of any involved vehicles

The Division of Student Affairs publishes a compilation of campus crime statistics each year. This information is available online by visiting the Annual Safety Report  (PDF). If further information is required, please contact the Services Sergeant/Crime Prevention Officer at 828-227-3059.

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