Cherokee Phoenix

NEW ECHOTA, 20th Oct. 1830

Published October, 23, 1830

Page 2 Column 4e-5a

NEW ECHOTA, 20th Oct. 1830

The United States, in order to avert the evils and unhappy difficulties which now exist and are likely to continue, between the Cherokee Indians, east of the Mississippi and the surrounding states, and with a view to promote the peace and happiness of all concerned, propose to enter into a compact or treaty with the Cherokee Indians on the following terms, (to wit.)

1st. The United States propose to give to them a country west of the Mississippi, and without the limits of any of the states or territories of the United States, which shall be equal in value to the country they leave.

2d. They further propose to allow to each and every warrior and widow, residing within the states of Alabama and Tennessee, (and also Georgia, provided her consent can be obtained, and which we have strong assurances can be,) a reservation of two hundred acres, which they may occupy as long as they choose, and when they choose to leave it the United States will pay them a fair price in cash for it.

3. They propose to allow to each and every individual who choose to become citizens of the U. States, and who have arrived to such a state of improvement, as will enable them to sustain themselves under the laws of the States, a reservation in fee simple.

4th. They do further agree to remove those who may choose to emigrate, at the expense of the Government, ' to furnish them with provisions one year after they arrive at their new homes, and also to pay them for their stock (except horses) and other personal property which they may not choose to take with them, thereby giving them a perfect choice, to go or stay, and in either event to be provided for as above described.

5th. A liberal school fund will also be added, to be vested in the hands of such trustees as may be deemed worthy of the trust, for the promotion of education in the new country, that the rising generation may thereby be enabled to improve in useful learning, together with such annuities as may be thought best suited to their rank and standing amongst the southern Indian nations, compared with those which have been afforded to others.


Special Agent.