Cherokee Phoenix


Published August, 5, 1829

Page 2 Column 3c



We have understood that four Creeks have lately been murdered by their white neighbors. This is a very good commentary on the talk of President Jackson to the Creeks, demanding certain individuals of that tribe who had split the blood of a white man. One to four. We hope, if our information is correct, these savage whites who have outstripped the Indians in deeds of blood, will be overtaken with deserved punishment. We should have supposed that the poor Indians were already sufficiently distressed and provoked. The Creeks have declared, we understand, that they will have satisfaction, let the consequences be what they may.

We learn from the same source from which the above information is received, that a certain Cherokee near the Georgia line was very near being shot by a white man. The circumstances were these. A white lad on the other side of the Chattahoochy passed the river for the purpose of hunting, as he said. He went to the house of Mr. John Rogers, a respectable citizen, and there saw a Cherokee. The lad on the first sight of the Cherokee wheeled round and fled with precipitation, and on his arrival at home reported that there were about twenty Indians at Mr. Roger's with hostile intentions. Soon after a party of whites collected and crossed the river, with the intention, as they intimated, to drive for deer. During the driving, one of the company fired his gun and fled. Upon this one of his companions approached, ' saw at a short distance a horse with a deer upon it tied to a bush. He did not discover any person. It appears, however, that a Cherokee was at the moment of the report of the gun placing his deer on his horse, but did not know that he was shot at, until he arrived at home, though he observed that his horse was very reluctant to travel. The horse died during the night, and on examination in the morning the owner discovered the hole of a bullet which had passed through the shirt of the saddle into the side of the horse. The perpetrator, we hear, disclaims the deed as intentional -- to us it looks very suspicious.


Col. Brearly, to whom has been committed, by the General Government, the charge of conducting the emigration of the Creek Indians, has lately published, in the National Intelligencer, the following, which is designed to show that we intended to influence and mislead the public, when we said that Creeks and Chickasaws were dissatisfied with the western country. The authority, upon which our statement was founded, was contained in a letter from a Cherokee, to whom the information was communicated by the Chickasaws. We had no reason to dispute the correctness of that information, and it is more than what Col. Brearly or any other man can say, that we have attempted to work on the public mind, by means of falsehood. It is our hearty desire that those who emigrate may be contented with their new homes, for we are sure that if they are dissatisfied, they cannot do well. Taking for granted, that we were misinformed in regard to the country allotted to the Creeks, we nevertheless cannot change our opinion of the Country for the Cherokees. We do not consider Col. Brearly a good judge in this matter, as he never has visited this nation, and of course is unfit to decide on the comparative worth of the two countries. We have individuals here whom we consider as capable of telling the truth as the officers of the Government, and certainly better able to say whether the agricultural interest would be augmented in case of a removal -- they tell us things quite different from the statement of Col. Brearly. If we were endeavoring to procure to ourselves the hunter's advantages, then we might, perhaps, select the country so much extolled, as a suitable one; but Col. Brearly should remember that we are not savages or hunters, that we have long since relinquished 'the Buffalo and Beaver,' and that we have no distant inclination to resume our ancient occupations.

GENTLEMEN: I observe in the Intelligencer of the 2d inst. an article taken from the Cherokee Phoenix, respecting the country West of the Mississippi, offered by the Government of the United States for the future residence of the Southern Indians -- pretending to state the feelings and situation of those Indians who have emigrated to that country.

As it cannot be presumed that the publication referred to could make any deep impression on the Indians, it must have been intended to influence and mislead the public mind, by drawing upon the feelings of our citizens, whose sympathies for that unfortunate race of fellow creatures it is well known are increased in proportion to their dependence on us. I therefore deem it proper to offer such information as my knowledge of their present condition and of the country allotted to them enables me to afford.

With respect to the Chickasaws, I have not learned that any particular location has been assigned to them; but, as it regards the Cherokees, Choctaw, and Creeks, the provision made by the government cannot fail to render them, either as hunters or cultivators of the soil, far happier than they now are, or possibly can be in the country now occupied by them; particularly the Creeks, with whom my intercourse has been such as to enable me to know the disposition of all the emigrants, which is, without one dissenting voice, in favor of their new country; and I assure you it is untrue that any have expressed a wish to return. On the contrary, not a single family could be induced, even at the expense of the government, to relocate itself permanently in the old nation. They are placed immediately beyond the Western Territorial lines of Arkansas, bounded on the West, and at no great distance, by the prairies which extend to the Rocky Mountains, present a barrier to any further removal. Instead of being surrounded by white people and deluged with whiskey from every quarter, they have but the channel of intercourse, the rivers generally coming from the West on which they are located, affording them the advantage of water transportation for the products of their labor or hunts, and or receiving in return by steamboats directly from N. Orleans, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, 'c. 'c. all the necessaries and luxuries of life which their wants or their fancies may require. The lands between the Territorial line of Arkansas and the great Prairies are by far the richest I have ever seen, beautifully undulated, and well watered, and certainly more congenial to the rearing of stock of every description than any other in the United States. Thus, while every inducement to the arts of husbandry are increased, and the living rendered secure and easy, the boundless prairies will afford a perpetual supply of game particularly the Buffalo and the Beaver, which have been long since extinct with the Indians on this side the Mississippi, besides immense herds of wild horses, an animal in which they hold no little estimation.

A delegation of five of their most distinguished men were sent last winter to the old nation for the purpose of explaining the advantages of the new country, and to do away the prejudices created by mischievous and designing people interested in their remaining where they are. They were the bearers of numerous letters and talks, not one of which I undertake to say, breathed such a sentiment as that contained in the Phoenix.

YOURS, very respectfully,


Washington City, 4th July 1829.



From the Rev. E. Jones, Baptist Missionary at the Valley Towns, dated July 24.

I have the pleasure to say the Gospel continues to receive attention at several places in this region. At our late monthly meeting four persons were baptized on a profession of their faith -- two full Cherokees, a man and his wife, and two white females. Many more are under serious concern about the great business of their salvation. The Scripture you are going to print is looked for with much anxiety.


From a gentleman of high standing in the Christian community, dated July 2, on Board a Steam Boat on the North River.

I have long been desirous of an opportunity of writing to you, and expressing my lively sympathy with you and other Cherokee friends, whose acquaintance I have formed, and indeed of all who are connected with the tribe. I can assure you I have not been an indifferent spectator of these measures which have recently been adopted nor dispossessing the aborigines of their ancient territory. I had supposed that whatever other bonds might be broken to gratify a cold hearted and selfish policy -- the faith of treaties would not be questioned, nor sacrificed. But I have been disappointed; and unless a kind Providence interfere to avert the doom, I see not how your people are to be protected from lawless invasion. That you have the sympathy of many a humane and Christian heart I know -- but alas! how few are they who stand ready to relinquish private ends of truth and justice. You have many prayers, and these I trust will prevail at length and save your nation. There are many and serious difficulties attending my visible ' public measures except that of petitioning the national government to interfere and defend you against aggression. But even this promises but little good, when that government has resolved to act upon the presumption of the invalidity of Indian treaties. I rather choose to say with the pious Israelite, 'My soul wait thou only upon God.' Let you efforts to enlighten and sanctify the people be unremitted -- Let your schools be multiplied till every Cherokee child is able to read and understand for himself -- Let the whole tribe have the Bible and enjoy Christian Institutions. These will be a greater safeguard than everything else; and if you must fall a prey to lawless cupidity -- you will have a home in Heaven -- where, blessed by God, the wicked will cease from troubling, and the weary will be at rest.

I have availed myself of frequent opportunities to recommend the Phoenix, which I do for the double reason that it is intrinsically valuable, and because it pleads a cause dear to humanity. Probably you have received some accessions to your list in consequence, although my name may not have appeared in connexion (sic) with them.