1.  Headcount Enrollment
2.  Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment


Headcount Enrollment


1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Appalachian 11,641 11,866 12,020 11,909 12,108
East Carolina** 17,729 17,567 17,445 15,785 16,436
Elizabeth City State 2,130 2,099 1,981 1,919 1,920
Fayetteville State 4,032 4,109 4,009 3,951 3,916
NC A & T 7,973 8,050 7,846 7,533 7,468
NC Central 5,635 5,655 5,470 5,400 5,664
NC School of the Arts 610 644 679 732 771
NC State 27,170 27,577 27,537 27,169 27,529
UNC-Asheville 3,130 3,165 3,222 3,092 3,179
UNC-Charlotte 15,645 15,513 15,895 15,795 16,370
UNC-Chapel Hill** 23,913 24,260 24,144 19,837 19,856
UNC-Greensboro 12,114 12,094 12,644 12,323 12,308
UNC-Pembroke 3,045 3,017 3,000 3,006 3,034
UNC-Wilmington 8,157 8,435 8,601 9,077 9,176
Western Carolina 6,368 6,619 6,551 6,511 6,531
Winston-Salem State 2,817 2,845 2,781 2,781 2,865


152,109 153,515 153,825 146,820 149,131


Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment


1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Appalachian 11,100 11,274 11,428 11,371 11,610
East Carolina** 15,114 14,878 14,414 14,443 15,116
Elizabeth City State 2,052 2,010 1,890 1,826 1,829
Fayetteville State 3,484 3,498 3,428 3,435 3,414
NC A & T 7,245 7,365 7,227 6,928 6,870
NC Central 4,960 4,963 4,729 4,694 4,932
NC School of the Arts 589 632 665 723 755
NC State 22,463 22,723 22,745 22,641 23,226
UNC-Asheville 2,533 2,600 2,653 2,609 2,668
UNC-Charlotte 13,180 12,967 13,315 13,176 13,585
UNC-Chapel Hill** 18,135 18,365 18,365 18,016 18,078
UNC-Greensboro 10,386 10,279 10,904 10,631 10,631
UNC-Pembroke 2,618 2,592 2,562 2,585 2,592
UNC-Wilmington 7,443 7,607 7,757 8,265 8,382
Western Carolina 5,844 6,056 5,999 6,009 6,007
Winston-Salem State 2,437 2,486 2,445 2,459 2,557
TOTAL 129,583 130,295 130,526 129,811 132,252

*Excludes Extension

**Resident credit enrollment in Academic Affairs; Health Affairs not included.

Source:  Statistical Abstract of Higher Education in North Carolina, 1997-98, Tables 3 & 5

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