Cherokee Phoenix

Indian Names- There is no danger that the red men will be forgotten.- Eight of the States, not to me

Published August, 17, 1833

Page 2 Column 3b

Indian Names- There is no danger that the red men will be forgotten.- Eight of the States, not to mention the territories, have Indian names. They are Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi. So have all the great bays and harbors on the coast of the Union, the Penobscot, Casco, Narraganset, Chesapeake, 'c. So have the rivers, the Kennebec, Saco, Connecticut, Merrimac, Mohawk, Susquehannah, Koanoke (sic), Potomac, most of the Southern streams, all the great waters of the West, the Northern Lakes. In a word, the whole breadth of the country is charged with the indelible memory of the brave race whose canoes and cabins, fittest emblems of their own vanishing frailty, have been swept like themselves from the face of the land.- Boston Mercantile Journal.