Cherokee Phoenix


Published October, 27, 1832

Page 4 Column 2a


From the Protestant- The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions appealed to the President of the United States in behalf of the imprisoned missionaries, praying that he would execute the judgement of the Supreme Court and rescue them from the penitentiary. The following is General Jackson's reply.

'Gentlemen- I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your memorial, stating that certain missionaries in the State of Georgia have been imprisoned for alleged offenses against that state, and requesting my interference in furthering their release.'

'In reply, I have to inform you the power vested in me has been placed in my hands for the purpose of seeing the laws of the United States justly and impartially administered and not for the purpose of abusing them, as I must assuredly should do were I to interpose my authority in the case brought before me in your memorial. The state of Georgia is governed by its own laws, and if any injustice has been or is committed, there are competent tribunals at which redress can be obtained without an appeal to me. I do not wish to comment upon the causes of the imprisonment of the missionaries alluded to in the memorial; but I cannot refrain from observing that here, as in most other countries, they are by their injudicious zeal, (to give it no harsher name) too apt to make themselves obnoxious to those among whom they are located.'