Cherokee Phoenix


Published October, 1, 1830

Page 3 Column 1a-3b


NEW ECHOTA: Oct. 1, 1830

The United States' troops have again lately scoured the gold mines. At the upper mines, we understand they arrested upwards of one hundred, including whites, and Cherokees. The Indians were released on the ground after being kept under guard one night, and peremptorily forbidden to dig any more. The whites, were driven across the Chestitee, and they also were released. At the Six's no Cherokee was arrested, but they were ordered to desist digging. It now appears plainly that our GREAT FATHER considers us in the light of intruders.


We publish on our first page the charge of Judge Clayton to the grand jury of Clark County. In its spirit ' temper it belongs to the same tribe with Gov. Gilmer's letter to Mr. Wirt, and perhaps it is the more exceptionable of the two, proceeding as it does from a JUDGE, who of all men ought to avoid peevishness and unnecessary passion. This gentleman, we understand, observed at his late court at Gainsville, that if the case is ever carried to the Supreme Court, it ought to be over the dead bodies of the people of Georgia! Here is chivalry indeed-we would as soon trust a barbarian for justice as such a military judge. But then, why did not his honor try the Indian cases which were on docket before him? Why did he not try, convict, and command to be executed on the gallows, the Cherokee who is now in jail charged with the crime of murder? We cannot tell-we only know he did not do it.

We copy from the Journal of Commerce the following remarks of a correspondent of that paper. The writer has been and is yet in favor of Georgia, but, it will be seen, not in favor of the miserable revilings of Judge Clayton.

I cannot refrain from the expressions of my deep regret that Judge Clayton, in his late charge to the Grand Jurors of Clark County, (Geo.) should have considered it necessary to anticipate his judgment upon the question to come up in the progress of the dispute between Georgia and the Cherokees. I deprecate, moreover, the temper he has displayed in the vindication of his follow citizens, and crimination of those who differ with them. But it seems to be the fashion of the times, that all our institutions, the Press, the Legislature, and the Judiciary, shall be degraded by all manner of revilings, incited by the most sordid and vulgar motives.


At the late superior court in Laurenceville, for Gwinnett County, we are told Judge Clayton charged the grand jury to find a true bill against Mr. Ross, for convening the late called council, and if possible have him arrested before the rise of court. Whether such a bill has been found, we know not-there has been no officer at Mr. Ross'


A few weeks ago the Principal Chief received a communication from the Secretary of War, through the agent, which we presume was intended for the benefit of the Cherokee people. It has not yet been sent to us for publication. It is a silly production for a great man. The honorable Secretary says, you might as well expect to see young turkies (sic) domesticated as to see the Indians become civilized where they are. 'True enough,' says one of our Cherokee correspondents, 'if you are continually setting dogs and saucy boys upon them.'

We publish in another part our paper the Talk of the President of the United States to the Chickasaw Delegation at Franklin, Ten. We presume it was written by the Hon. Secretary of war- the expressions, 'A determination was taken,' 'c. and, 'No intention or wish is had' 'c. makes it evident that the document was written by him. Of this talk we repeat a few sentences.

'Brothers, listen:-'The laws to which you must be subjected [yes, subjected] are not oppressive, for they are those to which your white brothers conform, and are happy' [of course you may also be happy].

In the very next paragraph, we find the following: 'Where you are, it is not possible you can live contented and happy. Besides, the laws of Mississippi,' 'c.

Again-'To these laws, where you are, you must submit; [must submit] there is no preventive-no other alternative.'

'Our forefathers had the same feelings when a long time ago, to obtain happiness, they left their lands beyond the great waters, and sought a new and quiet home.' We suppose, however, our great father would not justify the measures which compelled many of the first English settlers to leave the mother country.

Once more-'Intruders, traders, and above all, ardent spirits so destructive to health and morals, will be kept from among you, only as the laws and ordinances of your nation may sanction their admission.' On this we give a very satisfactory and complete commentary in the following extract of a letter of the Rev. Mr. Washburn, of the Cherokee Nation west of the Mississippi, to the editors of the Missionary Herald, dated 4th of last July. It is said that 'actions speak louder than words.'

Temperance is sadly declining. There has been more drunkenness in the tribe during the last six months, than for the whole six years preceding. There is at this moment, I suppose not less than 100 or 150 barrels of whiskey in the nation; which, including the recent emigrants from the Cherokees in Georgia, and all the slaves, does not certainly contain a population of more than 2,500. The report abroad, that a considerable sum of money would shortly be paid to the Cherokees, has brought a flood of merchants and traders into the neighborhood and into the nation. All these sell whiskey to the Indians. Many Cherokees, and whites with Cherokee families, buy this article in large quantities to sell again. I suppose between 50 and 100 persons now in the nation have whiskey for sale, and it scattered all along the eastern line. It is doing most horrid mischief. Men, women, and children are daily to be seen and unavoidably heard in a state of brutal intoxication. Farms of considerable size and excellent quality are to be seen, in almost every neighborhood, wholly uncultivated, because the owner is constantly drunk.

Gambling, fighting, debauchery, murder, and every evil work are the concomitants of this prevalence of intemperance. Since last December not less than 50 persons in this nation have gone into eternity, in consequence of intemperance. Some of them have been murdered; but most of them have been taken off by inflammatory diseases induced by drunkenness. Many have been brought near the grave, and have yet been spared to drink still more of this liquid fire. Not a few have got broken bones, and been otherwise maimed and braised, in their drunken revels. But no description of mine can fully paint the whole mischief arising from the diffusion of ardent spirit here. I would not, I need not, I do not exaggerate. If the same state of thing shall continue a few months more, the nation is ruined.

All this whiskey comes from white men residing out of the nation.--Much comes down the Mississippi and Ohio, and much is brought from New Orleans. Many who sell it are residents of the Arkansas territory, and many from other states, and some from New England and New York.


We most cheerfully give insertion to the following resolutions. The time has come when it is the duty of every friend of justice and humanity to speak out and express his opinion, and raise his voice in favor of oppressed innocence. Why should not missionaries, the true friends of the Indians, who toil day and night for their spiritual good, be permitted to exercise the sacred right of freemen, liberty of speech and freedom of opinion? Must their mouths be muzzled, because they are the ambassadors of religion? Must they weep only in silence while they see daily the wrongs heaped upon the people of their spiritual charge? Surely they feel and they have the most unquestionable right to speak. Let it be remembered also that they have been most criminally and shamefully abused and misrepresented by the enemies of Indians.

At a meeting of the Methodist Missionaries in the Cherokee Nation, held at Chattanooga Camp Ground, on Saturday evening the 25th of Sept. 1830, the Rev. Francis A Owen was appointed to the chair, and the Rev. Dickson C. McLeod was appointed Secretary; after which the following resolutions were unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That it is the sincere opinion of this meeting that the oppressed condition of our brethren, the Cherokees, and the future prosperity of the missionary cause among them, do most importunately solicit from the Tennessee Annual Conference a public, and official expression of sentiment on the subject of these grievances.

Resolved, That the present Missionaries in the Cherokee Nation will give, as soon as practicable, a public detail of the civil, moral, and religious condition of this nation, and embody their several accounts in one condensed general report.

Resolved, That all the Missionaries in their detailed accounts, unequivocally testify, that it is abundantly evident that the people of the Cherokee Nation are firmly resolved not to remove from their present homes, unless forced so to do either by power or oppression.

Resolved, That whereas it has been stated to the public, that the Missionaries are associated with, and under the controlling influence of the principal men of the nation, in order to extend our missionary operations here, we do hereby most solemnly and unhesitatingly deny the charge.

It is unanimously resolved by this missionary convention that the present aggrieved condition of the Cherokees loudly calls for the sympathy and religious interposition of the Christian community in these United States, together with all the true and faithful friends of humanity and justice.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this meeting forward the above resolutions to the Editor of the Cherokee Phoenix, and to the editors of the Christian Advocate and Journal, for publication.








A true copy,



Large Snake.- We saw the other day at the house of Mr. Edward Adair, Oougillogee, the skin of a snake lately killed in that neighborhood, which was considered by all who saw it uncommonly large, being seven feet and one inch in length, and thirteen inches and a half in circumference. It is true he was not as large as the Kentucky snake, but his equal is rarely found in this country. He was of the Diamond Rattle Snake, a species very seldom seen being the first we ever saw. If a person is bit by this kind, it is said to be a hopeless case.