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Education, Research, and Outreach

Forest Stewards is an associatated entity of Western Carolina University with a primary objective to give students hands-on experience in the design and implementation of sustainable forest stewardship practices. This will better prepare them for the workforce, and once there, we hope these students will further advance the practice of sound resource stewardship. Another key objective of these collaborations is to share the results of our work with the larger community including other forest practitioners, landowners, policy makers, and the general public.  
Select Clients and Partnerships

Forest Stewards is proud to partner with numerous organizations that share our vision for promoting sound forest management across the southern Appalachian landscape. Below is a list of some of our key partners, many of whom have contributed to the more than $600,000 in grants and donations that our initiative has received since 2002.


©2008-2015 Forest Stewards

Western Carolina University, Dept. Geosciences and Natural Resources, Stillwell Bldg. Rm. 331, Cullowhee, NC 28723
Office: 828-227-3388
Peter Bates: 828-227-3914 -