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WCU Stories


Mexican-American relationship to be topic of talk by historian

The presentation by Jurgen Buchenau is titled “MexAmerica: Reconsidering Mexican-American Relations.”  


Highlands residents pledge $2 million for Honors College, undergraduate research

A total of 135 students to date have received support from Jack and Judy Brinson's annual gifts, a number that will increase dramatically over the years.  


English faculty Claxton, Railsback contribute essays for book about Ron Rash's work

“Summoning the Dead: Essays on Ron Rash” includes the work of 17 writers who contrast, reflect on and analyze his poems, short stories and novels.  

WCU Campus

Traditional music series to feature Berea College Bluegrass Ensemble

The group’s performance and the open jam session that follows will be held at the headquarters for Homebase College Ministry.   


Sunday Cinema Series continues with ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ ballet

The fairy tale will be presented March 10 at 3 p.m. in the John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center.  

WCU Campus

'Finding Funding’ workshop scheduled for researchers seeking grants

The interactive session will be held Wednesday, March 6, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 186 in Hunter Library.  


Saxophone Alliance bringing regional conference to campus

The event will close with a free, open-to-the public concert Saturday, March 9, in the John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center.  


'Welcome to the Anthropocene' is topic for Global Spotlight Series

Speakers will discuss this age of human-dominated influences on climate and the environment from a variety of perspectives.   

WCU Campus

Laufer to serve as guest artist for piano festival

Milton Laufer, director of WCU’s School of Music, will be performing, teaching and adjudicating as guest artist for the Dr. Sharyn Edwards Piano Festival of Southeastern Community College.  

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