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WCU Stories

forvis crawford

WCU announces FORVIS as new name for its accountancy programs

WCU leaders gathered with representatives of the nation’s eighth largest accounting firm Friday, Dec. 2, to mark a subtle but meaningful change in the College of Business as its accountancy programs now have a new name.  

corzine with apodaca

Former state senator establishes scholarship fund in honor of retiring student housing professional

Former N.C. Sen. Tom Apodaca and his family have established the Keith Corzine Residential Living Endowed Scholarship to honor Corzine, associate vice chancellor for auxiliary enterprises, who is retiring effective Jan. 1.  


GivingTuesday efforts Nov. 29 to focus on gifts to the Fund for WCU

WCU is focusing its annual GivingTuesday initiative on raising awareness of and contributions to the Fund for WCU.  

chatty cats

Chatty Cats to call on alumni, friends with campus updates, philanthropic opportunities

If alumni, friends and supporters of WCU receive a telephone call anytime between now and the end of the calendar year, the Chatty Cats engagement officers hope you won’t simply let it go to voicemail.  

connie and phil haire

Jackson County couple receives award in recognition of service to WCU, mountain region

In recognition of the Haires’ contributions to WCU and to the mountain region, the university has bestowed upon them its Distinguished Service Award, making them one of just a handful of couples ever to receive the honor.   

1889 hunter library

Special Collections connects with WNC communities through 1889 Impact Grant-funded project

Hunter Library is providing free exhibitions of historical photographs to communities across Western North Carolina through a project made possible by donations to the Fund for WCU.  

career fair

1889 Impact Grant supports survey of recent graduates

The Center for Career and Professional Development is nearing completion of a survey of recent graduates and young alumni to determine where they landed after receiving their degrees.  

shetland trophy

Faculty, staff donors recognized at Shetland Society event

The more than 350 faculty and staff members who have made a philanthropic gift to the university in the last 12 months were recognized as members of the Shetland Society.  

catamount club

Student workers help Catamount Club improve engagement with fans, donors

The Catamount Club launched an effort earlier this year to improve engagement between WCU athletics and its fan base by using student workers to formalize and boost its social media and online presence.  

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