Cherokee Phoenix

From the New Hampshire Sentinel

Published February, 22, 1834

Page 3 Column 3b

From the New Hampshire Sentinel

We believe we did not give 'the decision of the Supreme Court' as one of the reasons for 'the little ground of hope for the relief of the Cherokees.' That decision was favorable-but everything else appears to us, even now, to be against hope. The 'sons of George Washington' have become degenerate-they looked on with apathy to see solemn treaties violated by 'the government', concentrated in an individual, in the Cherokee case, and we fear they will look on with equal apathy to see the rights of a portion of our own people trodden under foot. Congress, it is true, have passed a law which

should protect the Cherokees,-but it will not be enforced. The President thinks only of their 'political annihilation'- and with the majority he can no more think wrong, than act wrong:-and he thinks and cares no more about permitting Georgia to strip the Cherokees of their land, in the face of treaties, than he does of taking from the bank their right to the public deposits, or oppressing to the utmost of his power, all who do not pay homage to him and his irresponsible cabinet. The Cherokees cannot 'rely for protection' we fear, upon the present Congress. It is an unfortunate period in our political history: we have no time to attend to 'the eternal principles of right and rectitude.' The faith of the Republic is 'emphatically behind a black cloud.' 'Moral courage (says the late Secretary) is as scarce at Washington, as liberality at Warsaw.' -and we confess we see but little to choose between Nicholas in his unfeeling treatment of the Poles, and Jackson in his unfeeling treatment of the Cherokees. The Poles, it is true, are yoked up and sent to Siberia, while the Cherokees are only induced to go West, by stripping them of their rights and their property. It will, we trust, be the work of a future administration, by practicing on the 'principles of right and rectitude,' to impair the errors-the wrongs-as far as they can-of the present.