Cherokee Phoenix

To the Editor of the Cherokee Phoenix

Published December, 7, 1833

Page 3 Column 3b

To the Editor of the Cherokee Phoenix.

Sir:_ During the late session of the General Council, it became a matter of serious inquiry with the intelligent and philanthropic, what shall be done to check the rapid progress of intemperance amongst the Cherokee people? All eyes turned towards the national legislature, but it was in vain, from it no relief could come, crippled as it is by the tyrannical hands of Georgia, Alabama, it could only look at its shackles, and say the evil is seen, but it cannot be reached. In this dilemma, it was thought advisable to call a meeting of the people in order if possible to devise some plan, by which the Cherokees might be reac__ed from this curse and scourge of their race. A meeting was accordingly held, and numerously attended. When, after several interesting discourses had been delivered, almost all present, came to the resolution, to unite themselves in a body, to be known as the Cherokee National Temperance Society; and for this purpose enrolled their names. After appointing a Committee to prepare a Constitution, it was agreed that a second meeting should take place on the 20th Oct. At the appointed time the people assembled; and having chosen a president pro tem, called upon their committee for the Constitution. Whereupon the following was presented, read and unanimously adopted.

Article 1st- This society shall be known by the name of the Cherokee National Temperance Society.

2nd. The officers shall be a president, eight vice presidents, one to be selected from each district in the nation, recording and corresponding secretaries, and a treasurer, who shall be chosen annually.

3rd. It shall be the duty of the vice presidents not only to preside in the absence of the president, but to organize in their respective districts, societies which shall be auxiliary to this; and to report their proceedings annually to this society.

4th. No member shall offer any of said liquors to any person, or urge them to drink of them.

6th. No member shall sell any intoxicating liquor or in any way encourage the sale of it.

7th. No member shall be expelled but by the concurrence of two thirds of the members present at the meeting.

8th. This society shall meet annually on the 3d Monday in Oct., at the place when the General Council shall convene.

9th. When it shall be necessary to amend this Constitution, the proposed amendment shall be offered in writing, which, if approved by two thirds of the members, shall become a part of it.

Upon motion of Maj. George M. Waters, the society enter into an election for its officers. Whereupon Mr. John Ross was elected President.- Mr. James Daniel of Hickory Log District, George Lowery of Chattooga, John Timson of Aquohee, Walter S. Adair, of Coosawatee, Richard Taylor, of Chickamonggee, Thomas Foreman of Amohee, Soft shell turtle, of Etoah, and Chuwalooea of Tahquohee, were elected vice presidents

Mr. Richard Fields was elected recording and William Rogers corresponding Secretary, Daniel McCoy, treasurer.

Mr. Hicks- Sir it was made (by a resolution) the duty of Mr. Richard Fields to prepare for publication on the Phoenix, a sketch of the proceedings, that we had, in the formation of the National Temperance Society. At the close of the Council the Journal and Constitution, were placed in my hands. Presuming that Mr. Fields, owing to this mistake, will not attempt his task, I have made this sketch, believing it to be important that the public should be made acquainted (by any means) with this highly meritorious proceeding on the part of the Cherokees; that it may be known, that the Cherokees, notwithstanding, they are conspired against and abandoned by the whole world, have still resolution enough to do all they can to save themselves from destruction.

Very respectfully,

Yours, 'c.