Cherokee Phoenix

Indians- Col. Reynolds, together with a number of the Chiefs of the Chickasaw Nation, is now at this

Published December, 7, 1833

Page 2 Column 5c

Indians- Col. Reynolds, together with a number of the Chiefs of the Chickasaw Nation, is now at this place. In a few days they intend crossing the river on their way to the West, in search of a suitable home for those Indians who wish to emigrate from their present country.

About one thousand Choctaws are now encamped in the vicinity of Memphis, under the superintendence of Major Armstrong.--They will cross the river in the steamer Archimedes. These Indians have determined to abandon the home of their fathers, and to adopt the country which has been selected by their brethren, who emigrated to the West about eighteen months since.- Mem. Times ' Adv.