Cherokee Phoenix

From the Cherokee Intelligencer

Published October, 19, 1833

Page 3 Column 1a

From the Cherokee Intelligencer


The friends of Georgia must look to the removal of the Cherokees with increasing interest; nothing, connected with this subject can be more desirable to them, than that they should leave our limits for a place more suited to their mode of life. The enrolling agents, Major Curry and Colonel Hardin, are actively engaged; the former, however, has for sometime been rendered unfit for the arduous duties of his office by indisposition, this circumstance has consequently thrown an undue weight of toil on the latter.

Some facts that we published a short time since, relating to the Cherokee reservees, seem to have excited considerable interest amongst that class. Upon further research, it is discovered that about two thousand individuals of that part of this tribe, now in Georgia, have heretofore enrolled for the West, while Governor M'Minn was agent, and under the stipulations of the Treaty of 1817; they received upwards of nine thousand dollars for their improvements besides guns, blankets, kettles, traps, 'c., and yet they incumber some of the best lands in this section of the state, and yet the drawers of these lands are forbid their enjoyment. Although we see in this act of Georgia the utmost forbearance and indulgence towards this numerous class of Cherokees, yet do these same individuals join the enemies of Georgia and are found in their reproach, jeers and charges; we hope Georgia will no longer do injustice to her white citizens for the gratification of her red enemies.

The incumbents to which we have reference begin to discover much uneasiness about their situations; they, suppose, very reasonably, that Georgia will authorize the issuing grants for the lands they occupy, in which event their stay here will be short.

It will be the duty of every member of the ensuing legislature to be well informed upon this very interesting topic; we wish no injustice done to a solitary individual of the Cherokee tribe by an over anxiety to put the drawer in possession of his property, on the other hand we believe that grants should issue for all tracts of the description we have been contemplating. There is another class of persons connected to this tribe, we mean white men having Indian families, that will require to be more particularly noticed by the Legislature. It has been adjudged that 'if a person is an Indian for one he must be an Indian for all purposes' if so, a white man is a party, hence he is incompetent to hold an office, to serve on jurors, to vote at elections, to pay taxes or to be called upon to perform any duty or exercise any privilege, common to the citizens of Georgia. If, however, they are not to be considered as Indians, then should grants be issued for the lands upon which they have intruded; hitherto, we believe they have only been considered as Indians for the purpose of holding land.

The enrolling goes on prosperously, the enrollment of a large number of persons and families amongst whom are some important individuals, in the northern and eastern parts of the circuit, is much beyond what was expected.