Cherokee Phoenix


Published August, 24, 1833

Page 2 Column 3a



Yesterday our native brethren, Peter Jones, John Sunday, John Cashbeach, and John Taunchey, arrived in town from St. Marie, Lake Superior, by way of Lake Huron, Panatanguishine, and Lake Simcoe. The three latter have been absent in the Indian country more than a year. Sunday spent eight months at Ke-wa-we-nan Bay, up Lake Superior, about 300 miles north of this. The tribes among whom he labored are depraved and savage, and he met with much opposition and discouragement at first, but keeping in view the salvation of his brethren, and the injunction of his Divine Master to 'teach all nations,' he at length, by unremitting attention and faithful perseverance, succeeded in the conversion of ten of his pagan brethren. These he formed into a class, for mutual edification and encouragement in the duties of religion. Others it is said, have given up their pagan rites and drunken habits, and are seeking for the comforts and happiness of the Christian religion.

Cashbeach has extended his labors to the straights of Michigan, and the Ot-ta-was on the east shore of Michigan. Taunchey has labored with some success at St. Marie; several have been converted during the past winter. The zeal and perseverance of these native Missionaries are highly commendable, and their labors have been crowned with the divine blessing.

Thomas Frazar, Thomas McGee, and Wm. Herkimer, take the place of Sunday and his company, while these return to their families at Grape Island and Rice Lake.--York, U.C. Guardian.