Cherokee Phoenix


Published July, 16, 1831

Page 2 Column 4b-5b


From the Philadelphian.

We are glad that the Cherokees have a paper in which they can publish an account of the outrage which Georgia is committing against them; we regret to say, through the connivance of the Government of the United States. The removal from the Post Offices in the Cherokee country of able and faithful missionaries, who have done their duty, merely that Georgia may have power to expel them from the scene of laborious usefulness which they have occupied for many years past, is an act which should forever cover the name of the Post Master General with disgrace. If the 'powers that be' at Washington cannot interfere with the Sovereign State of Georgia in the enacting of oppressive laws, as we admit they cannot, they nevertheless might have abstained from aiding and abetting Georgia in her tyrannical measures. The United States, if they cannot prevent the wrong done the Cherokees may at least refuse to add the weight of a nation's loins to the hand of the oppressor. To Judge White, one of the best friends of the President, we shall look with confidence, for some better measures in the Indian department, and hope for a more honorable and equitable state of things.

From the New York American.

Georgia and the Cherokees.- The progress in oppression of Georgia, the forbearance under the suffering of the Cherokees, seem to be in full experiment. The extract made today from the last Cherokee Phoenix, details a new series of outrages perpetrated under the authority of Georgia; and this time, too, the President of the United States appears openly as the auxiliary of the oppressor; and in order that vindictive persecution might not lose a single victim, the commission of the United States Postmaster, which even by the admission of Georgia courts, protected the individual who held it, was withdrawn, and the obnoxious person was immediately seized. We- hope our readers will give attention to the statements presented today; for in our judgment they set forth the most flagrant acts yet committed against the rights solemnly guarantied to the Cherokees; and committed too, for the first time, openly under the sanction ' with the aid of the President of the United States.


From the New York Observer

We invite the attention of our readers to the disgraceful proceedings of the authorities of Georgia, an account of which we have copied on our last page from the Cherokee Phoenix. It will be seen that the missionaries of the American Board have been required to leave the Cherokee Nation within ten days under penalty of imprisonment for 4 years (this we believe is the term fixed by the law) in a Georgia jail! It will be seen also that the General Government has cooperated with the authorities of Georgia in this high-handed tyranny, the dismissal of Mr. Worcester from the office of postmaster being obviously intended to remove the difficulties which stood in the way of his expulsion from the nation. What course will now be pursued by the missionaries, we have no means of determining. We trust that in their present trying circumstances they, and the Indians also, be remembered in the prayers of Christians throughout the land. Help must come from God, for vain is the help of man.


From the Somerset Herald.

The Cherokee Phoenix of the 4th inst. (a paper published by Indians in the English and Cherokee languages and regularly received by us) contains some further proceedings of the authorities of Georgia against the white settlers in the Cherokee Nation. The 'humane policy adopted by the general government for the civilization of the Indians,' has hitherto permitted if not authorized missionaries and others to settle among them, to instruct them in religion, in the arts and sciences, and by degrees bring about civilization, which the government had in view from its first foundation up to the time General Jackson was put in power. But now the whole policy with regard to the Indians must be changed, because Georgia wants their lands. She has extended her laws over the Indian country, raised troops in defiance of the constitution and is now scouring the whole Cherokee country and driving out all the whites, missionaries and all, and in order to leave none behind, application was made to the General Government for the removal of a postmaster, which was accordingly done, and notice given him and the missionaries to quit the country within ten days of suffer the penalty of the law, which is four years imprisonment in the penitentiary. The General Government has the whole power of regulating intercourse with the Indians, but Georgia assumes that power herself and injures and harasses the Indians almost past endurance, and General Jackson, forgetting treaties, laws, and duty, winks at the shameful outrages of Georgia.