Cherokee Phoenix

From the Adams' Sentinel

Published January, 1, 1831

Page 4 Column 1a

From the Adams' Sentinel.

The Indians.- The public mind is becoming awakened upon the subject of the oppressive measures which are now in progress towards that portion of the aborigines of our country, which are within the limits of the State of Georgia. Public meetings are being held for the purpose of making strong representations to the constituted authorities of the country, against the infraction of our solemn pledges to those under circumstances unfortunate fellow creatures. It is time for the humane, for the benevolent, for Christians, to arouse their dormant energies, and raise their voices in solemn denunciation against the breach of our national faith, against a violation of right, of justice, and of humanity. It is time that the strong arm of public sentiment should be uplifted to stay the hand of tyranny, to protect the weak and defenseless, against the lawless arm of oppression. It is a righteous cause, and it must prevail.

We are pleased to find, that a meeting of the citizens of this County is called, as will appear by the following proceedings of a Town Meeting. We have, in compliance with their request, inserted in this week two Essays on the present state of the Indian question signed Wm. Penn, copied from the National Intelligencer. They will be found upon our first page.

We hope to see a full meeting upon the 18th, of the friends of justice, of humanity, and of patriotism.


At a respectable meeting of the Citizens of Gettysburg, held on Saturday evening the 5th inst. at the house of Mrs. Winrott, for the purpose of taking into consideration the present situation of the Indians within the limits of Georgia, and of devising means to have a proper expression of public sentiment relative to the oppressive measures which are in exercise towards them- JOHN F. MACFARLANE, Esq. was called to the Chair, and Br. Gilbert appointed Secretary.

It was on motion,

Resolved. That it be recommended to the Citizens of Adams County, who are opposed to the unjust and oppressive acts which are now in progress towards the Cherokees and other tribes of Indians, to meet at the Courthouse, in the borough of Gettysburg on Saturday, the 18th inst. at 1 o'clock, P. M. to adopt such measures as they may conceive most proper to have the public feeling fairly expressed upon the subject.

Resolved. That the Editors of the several newspapers in the borough of Gettysburg be requested to publish before the contemplated county meeting, two essays over the signature of Wm. Penn, which appear in the National Intelligencer of the 24th and 25th November.

Resolved. That these proceedings be signed by the Chairman and Secretary, and published in the several newspapers of the borough.

J. F. MACFARLANE, Chair'n.

Br. Gilbert, Sec'y.