Cherokee Phoenix

This issue of the Phoenix is published in four columns only

Published November, 20, 1830

Page 1 Column 3b

This issue of the Phoenix is published in four columns only.

Indian Meeting in New York. The New York papers of Saturday inform us that on Friday Evening last there was a meeting, at the Masonic Hall in that city, of the citizens who are opposed to the Indian Bill, to concert what measures should be adopted in relation to the election of representatives in Congress. As soon as the doors of the Hall were opened, their was a rush, and from twenty five hundred to three thousand citizens found their way into the Hall. Colonel Trumbull was then called to the chair, and a very eloquent address was delivered by Mathew C. Patterson, Esq. in which he gave a history of our connection with the Indian tribes, from the commencement of government to this day. In strong and respectful terms, he censured the course of the present representatives from the city to Congress. We extract from the Commercial advertiser an abstract of this part of Mr. Patterson's remarks:

Nat. Journal

'For Mr. Chambreleng, he said some excuse might be found -- that it was a law of our nature, that our attachments and affections should rally round the place which gave us birth -- that, bred in the Southern country, it was natural that his feelings should accord with its wishes and its interests -- that we could no more expect him to be absolved from the constant recollection of his own country and its morals and institutions. From Mr. G. C. Verplanck, a native of this city, he said he had hoped better thing. It was but recently that with his pen this gentleman had eloquently paid his tribute to the statesman who memory is hallowed among us all, and who espoused the cause of the poor Indians. Yet when the insult above spoken of was committed, Mr. Verplanck was silent; and when the party vote was taken, he voted for the measure of oppression and tyranny, which, if carried into effect, will bring down the judicial vengeance of Providence. After speaking of these gentlemen, born on the American soil, who had thus disappointed the honest hope of all the lovers of justice, he spoke of Mr. Campbell P. White, a native of Ireland. On the struggles of the oppressed people of that glorious land for their freedom, all lovers of liberty have looked with the deepest interest; and this country has been the place of refuge for the exiles of Erin. Flying from persecution at home, it was expected that, they of all men would be the last to indicate oppression in the country of their adoption. But in this instance too we have experienced a most melancholy disappointment.'

The following resolutions were then adopted by the meeting:

'Resolved. That the Tribes of Southwestern Indians are qualified sovereignties in alliance with, and under the protection of the United States by express treaties; that they are competent to treat and contract as States, and having a perfect and absolute title to the soil, and entire power and authority to make laws and ordinances for their own internal government and regulation; that such sovereignty has been recognized from the settlement of this country until within a very recent period; that the right of Indians to their own lands was always acknowledged during our colonial existence, and has been openly and distinctly confirmed by more than two hundred treaties made with them by the United States; that Congress, on innumerable occasions, the Father of his country, and the author of the declaration of independence, all concurred in a sentiment equally conformable to the just rights of the Indians, and the dictates of justice and humanity.

Resolved. That we have witnessed with intense pain and mortification, the recent attempt, to wrest by force, from their lawful proprietors, the Indians lands within the States of the Union, by laws unprecedented in their provisions, delusive as to their proposed object, and unconstitutional and unjust in their character; that we have witnessed with alarm the official communications of Government to the Indians, by which the attempt of the States to extend their jurisdiction over them is directly sanctioned; that the General Government, in thus lending its influence to those pretensions, has abandoned the sound and humane maxims of every preceding administrations, and given just ground of offence to every advocate of humanity, ' the preservation of the faith of treaties.

Resolved. That inasmuch as the General Government have, by the terms of fifteen treaties, 'solemnly guaranteed to the Cherokee nation all their lands' not previously ceded, that inasmuch as by the treaty between the Cherokees and the United States, July 1817, it is stated, that with a view to the establishment of fixed laws and a regular government the Cherokees ceded certain of their lands, the United States guaranteed the remainder form the intrusion of the whites; that any attempt to take these lands from the Cherokees without their free consent is a flagrant violation of the faith of treaties a dishonor to our republican institutions, and an example of national perfidy not equalled in the annuals of history.

Resolved. That the project of removing 75,000 Indians beyond the Mississippi, exclusive of its injustice and inhumanity, is novel in its character, unnecessary, because we already possess more than 200,000,000 of unsold public lands, and a prodigal waste of public treasure committed to their disbursement.

Resolved. That the rights of petition is one of the safeguards of liberty, and when reproach and contumely is cast upon the petitioners by the body whom they address, that right is violated, and that liberty so far jeopardized, that we repel with indignation a recent attempt in Congress to stigmatize a respectable body of citizens lately convened in this place, as an infringement of our privileges, unworthy of the occasion on which it was made, and highly affrontful to those to whom it was applied, and that the conduct of our Representatives, the Hon. C.C. Cambreleng and Gulian C. Verplanck, (whatever might have been their private sentiments on the bill before the House) in not promptly repelling the offensive aspersion, was spiritless and inconsistent with the independence of the representative character, and a disregard of their duty to their constituents.

Resolved, That the votes of the Hon. C.C. Cambreleng, Gulian C. Verplanck and Campbell P. White on the bill providing for an exchange of lands with the Indians, are, in our opinion, not in accordance with the sentiments of their constituents, and we ascribe them rather to a blind zeal for party, than a comprehensive view of our duties and obligations to the Indians, and a deep sentiment of the national dishonor which will inevitably fall on the breach of solemn treaty stipulations.

Resolved therefore, That the present Representatives are not entitled to our support, as conscientious men, at the present election, and that we will give our suffrages to Adoniram Chandler, Abm. R. Lawrence, and Thos. R. Smith, their views of this important subject being in entire conformity with those of this meeting.

Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be presented to those members of Congress from this State, who opposed the bill for an exchange of Indian lands, and the sinister measures connected with it, for their firmness and zeal in support of the national honor, and the cause of humanity.'