Cherokee Phoenix

We copy the following from the Georgia Journal, particularly the latter part, as a good specimen of

Published October, 1, 1830

Page 4 Column 4a

We copy the following from the Georgia Journal, particularly the latter part, as a good specimen of the chivalry of some of the inhabitants of Georgia.

Under the present circumstances, and in the actual posture of our Indian affairs, what has Georgia to do? Nothing but to remain firm; nothing but to have her laws well executed, and strictly obeyed. If we, Georgians, can live happy and contented, under those laws, the Cherokees who are represented by northern citizens, as more civilized than we are, can easily submit to them and enjoy all the freedom we do. No concessions should be made to the northern fanatics and hypocrites. No compromise should be made with the federal government, respecting a portion of the territory we claim. If Georgia is an independent and sovereign state, she is entitled to all the land lying within the boundaries acknowledged by foreign powers and her sister States of the confederation. If she is not an independent state, then the people will have to obey the sovereign power, which must reside either in the federal government or in the Cherokee council; in which case the latter would be justified by Mr. Wirt in extending the laws of the Cherokees over the territory now occupied by the white citizens of Georgia, and, with the assistance of their northern friends armed and equipped in the Indian fashion, with tomahawks, bows and arrows, attempting to compel them to learn civilization from the Cherokees, and become as good and exemplary Christians as they are. But as she is independent and sovereign, she must exercise the attribute of that sovereignty. She must protest against the federal government meddling in those concerns, except in those matters authorized by the federal constitution, and the laws passed under its sanction. We will have to let the northern fanatics and hypocrites rail at us; call us barbarians; declare in their papers that we ought all to be hanged. Words and abuse do not hurt. But we must tell them, that at their peril, they are not to cross the Savannah River, even if our sister Southern States shall give them a passage through their territories. Yes, at their peril, let them dare the passage of the Savannah.