Cherokee Phoenix


Published June, 12, 1830

Page 3 Column 2b-3b



The reader will find the result of the discussion on the Indian question in the House of Representatives under our Congressional head. The bill passed the House by a majority of five votes only after the adoption of an amendment, viz: that in executing the provisions of the bill, the faith of treaties with the Indians shall not be violated. There were 141 votes in favor of the amendment, and 51 against it. By adopting this amendment, the House have solemnly acknowledged, by an overwhelming majority, the binding force of the existing treaties with the Indians. This is encouraging- it is the voice of the nation-and we hope public sentiment which has had evidently a strong influence in the discussion of the Indian question in the House, will finally bring about such matters, as will retrieve the honor of the United States. The Senate must now either adopt the amendment which they have already discarded or the bill must fail. In either case, our fears will not be realized in their full extent.


We understand the intruders at the gold mines have been removed by the military. But it is very probable they will return unless the troops are stationed there. We have not learnt whether they will be. They are greatly needed on the Tennessee frontier, where new mines have lately been discovered, and where not less than two hundred are employed in collecting the precious metal. Besides those on the mines there are intruders snugly settled nearly on the whole extent of the frontier.



It is a common remark with the advocates of the removal of the Indians, that it is necessary to assign them a different country out of the limits of the States and Territories, (as they say) because if they are let alone where they are, they will become extinct. Can such matters facts speak louder than words. It is well known that the Cherokees east of the Mississippi have been and are now rapidly increasing in population. How is it with the Cherokees west of the Mississippi? They must be increasing if the assertions of many wise men are correct. They have been estimated by the officers of the Government at four or five thousand. We now learn from an intelligent gentleman in this nation, who has lately received a letter from his father, on the Arkansas, that a census of these Cherokees has been taken, and that the number of souls, including the last emigrants, is only 1936. Now if this be so ' the West is to preserve the Indian race, what has become of those Cherokees? Some no doubt are gone to the Texas, ' some to Red river, but where are the rest? This is indeed a good way to save the Indians. The system need only to be pursued faithfully and perseveringly and it will be crowned with complete success.


We are told three Georgia officers were the other day about Hightower, hunting some negroes, belonging to Shoe Boot's estate, but they were obliged to return without a booty. A forged deed of gift is the foundation of the claim.


We commence this week the publication of Mr. Frelinghuysen's speech on the Indian Question. As soon as we can find room, we shall also publish Mr. Sprague's and others delivered in the House on the same subject.


We are indebted to the Hon. Mr. Crockett for a copy of Mr. Frelinghuysen's speech in pamphlet form-also the speech of Mr. Sprague; and to the Hon. Mr. Frelinghuysen for a copy of his speech in the Senate, on Sabbath mails.


The following copy of a letter from a gentleman of veracity, which we have neglected to publish earlier, will confirm our former statement on the same subject.

CREEK PATH, April 11, 1830


Sir--I have hitherto forborne to complain about the intruders, and I do not now complain with any hope of seeing them removed soon, but merely to let the world, and those less acquainted know what man is capable of doing when left unrestrained by either divine or natural law. Some days since a Mr. Lathom with some others were to the residence of the Hungry's and compelled his wife to leave the place, (Hungry not being at home.) But previous to this some or other of them had completely divested her of the means of support, had taken her potatoes ' beans, killed her hogs; ' before she was fairly out of the house, they threw it down, and now have it in possession. The loss of the Hungry must be considerable, for he had a large stock of cattle. I saw some of his hogs snugly penned up by one of the intruders. And I have this day seen some four or five men of the same cast returning from ordering off Mrs. Baldridge of this place (wife of George Baldridge who was robbed not long since,) who I am told is now moving what little she has left to Mr. E. Gunter's. The intruders are to take possession of the place on Tuesday next.

They are even robbing each other of houses and farms, and when this is the case among themselves, it must be expected that Indians will fare but poorly. But this state of things is natural among robbers, who frequently fall out and kill each other about the booty they have mutually taken from the helpless. I think there are about one hundred families of intruders in this vicinity.