Cherokee Phoenix


Published March, 24, 1830

Page 4 Column 1b


There is a class of cold hearted skeptics, who endeavor to discourage all efforts of the Christian philanthropist, to improve certain races of human beings by the remark, that success is rendered impossible by the physical constitution of these men. The race is different, they say, and no education, no moral, or religious influence will ever raise these beings to a level with ourselves. An English statesman recently remarked, in speaking of the Irish, 'Do what you will, you can never make Ireland like Scotland; the race is different; the Irish are loving and fighting, not reasoning animals; and if you educate them like the Scotch, the only difference will be that they will fight about religion; as much blood and as much whiskey will flow, but only in a different channel.' So also, Dr. Walsh, in speaking of the Gypsies in the south of Europe, says, that they are considered 'incapable of discipline or instruction,' and that they 'are distinguished, like the Jews, by indelible personal marks, and by unalterable moral qualities, and aversion to labor, and a propensity to theft.'- It has been said too of the Hindus, that their (sic) is something in their very constitution, which must forever prevent their becoming true and enlightened Christians. Similar remarks are applied to the negro. There are some who profess to doubt whether he belongs to the human species, and Laurence, the anatomist, plainly tells us, that 'organization will be too strong for Christianity.'

To these assertions, made in opposition to the Bible, and to numerous and indisputable facts, we must add those of our own skeptics, in relation to the American Indians. ' Their case,' it is said, 'is utterly hopeless. Red men are, from their very constitution, untamable. You can never civilize them. You can never raise them to a level with the whites.' To this we might reply by an appeal to facts of recent occurrence, and particularly to the history of the Cherokees; but fortunately, we have also testimony of a more ancient date, testimony which has stood the test of time, and which seems to have providentially been brought to light at this moment, for the very purpose of silencing the infidel and the reviler of the Indian race. From the London Christian Observer we learn that M. Champollion, so celebrated for his researches in Egypt, and who is still busy in uncovering her buried monuments, has just sent home the following curious intelligence:

'In the valley called Biban-el-Mobank, we admired the astonishing freshness of the paintings, and the delicacy of the sculpture of the tomb of Ousirei. I have had drawings made and colored upon the spot of the richest pictures. I have also had drawings made of the series of nations represented on one of the bas-reliefs. We have the image of the several races of man known by the Egyptians. They are represented to the number of twelve, but belonging to four very distinct families. The first three are of a dark-red color, well proportioned figures, mild countenances, a nose slightly Aquiline, long, braided hair, and white garments; and their legend designates them as the race of men, that is to say, the Egyptians. The second three have a very different appearance, their skin inclines to yellow, or tawny, the nose is much curved, they have black thick beards, and short garments; and bear the name of Namon (Asiatics). The next three are negroes, designated by the name of the Nabasi. The last three have skins of what we call flesh color, of the most delicate whiteness, the nose straight or slightly arched, blue eyes, fair or red beards, tall and very slender figures; they are clothed in ox hides with the hair on, and are real savages, tattooed in various parts of the body. They are called Tamhou (Europeans')

From this description it is clear that three thousand years ago the red man monopolized the learning and civilization of the world, and that his white brother was the most degraded of the species!- N. Y. Obs.