Cherokee Phoenix


Published December, 3, 1829

Page 2 Column 1c


Wednesday, December 3, 1829

Our correspondent, Gah-wo-he-lo-ske, has our thanks for his communications on Cherokee verbs. We hope he will continue to favor us.


We published in our 31st number, a communication in Cherokee, which we ought to have noticed ere this. It is addressed by George Lowrey, Esq. assistant principal Chief, in behalf of some of the citizens, to the Christian people of the nation, recommending the 1st day of January to be observed as a day of fasting and prayer.- The peculiar situation of the nation renders the observance of such a day necessary and highly important. The opportunity, no doubt, will be eagerly seized by those who feel that help in this interesting crisis must come from above. We have before taken occasion to lay the subject before our readers at a distance, ' we would now at this time ask, will not our Christian friends abroad meet at the time appointed ' pray for the Cherokees? We hope they will. The day will generally, if not universally, be observed by the religious people of the nation.


The New York Journal of Commerce thus notices the Principal Chief's Message:

Cherokee Legislature.- We publish in another column a singular document-the Message of an Indian Chief, or President, to an Indian Legislature. It is as correctly written as any of the public documents of our own government, and is characterized by sound sense and pure patriotism. We should like to see an argument, drawn up by 'G. M. Troup,' in reply to that part of it which relates to the lands recently seized by the Georgians, under pretence of their having once belonged to the Creeks.