Cherokee Phoenix


Published October, 21, 1829

Page 3 Column 3b



Our readers will find, in another part of our paper, some of the proceedings of the Cherokee Legislature. The first impression, which the reading of these proceedings will create, will naturally be, that the Cherokees are determined to pursue the course they have commenced, notwithstanding the law of Georgia, which declares all laws and usages of the Nation, null and void, after the first of june, 1830. This arbitrary act of the state has never been, nor will it ever be acknowledged, on the part of the Cherokees. As long as they are conscious of the justice of their cause, and the unjust proceedings of the State, they cannot tamely agree to have their rights wrested from them, rights which they have always possessed and exercised, and which have been from time to time secured and guarantied by the faith of the United States.


We have seen the 'exposition' of the Commissioners of the United States who negotiated the Treaty of the Indian Springs. In this document, Campbell and Meriwether, who ought certainly to be good witnesses in the case, say, they did not purchase any lands north of the Cherokee boundary line, that is from the Buzzard Roost to the mouth of Wills Creek. If the Treaty of the Indian Springs was in force, the state of Georgia could not appeal to it to support her claim. The conduct of the present executive then in refusing to remove the intruders, is certainly surprising. If the land in dispute is not the property of the Cherokees, it belongs to the Creeks, for they have never relinquished it and the United States are as much bound to remove intruders on the soil of the Creeks, as she is bound to remove those on Cherokee soil. But the disputed land does not belong to the Creeks, it is the property of the Cherokees.




Travelling a few weeks since in the Cherokee Nation, I and a gentleman called at a house, 12 or 14 miles from Newtown, to get breakfast. In going in, I inquired of a young Indian girl who appeared to be the principle hand in preparing breakfast, if they had any honey. She replied she did not know whether there was any in the house or not. Being an asthmatic and quite unwell, I pressed the question no farther. However, in a few minutes, she had me enough procured, out of a bee stand which stood a few paces distant from the house, to have done me for twenty meals.- This was relieving the since indeed, for I had previously called for the article more than one hundred times in my travels through Georgia, but never did they move out of their position to procure any for me, although my situation was truly necessitous, on the account that it would relieve me very much of the distressing complaint with which I was afflicted.

Thus was see that the savages, as they are termed by a great many, have equalled, if not far excelled, the civilized in point of hospitality.