Cherokee Phoenix


Published August, 26, 1829

Page 3 Column 3b


Wednesday, August 26, 1829

Our readers will perceive from the articles we insert in our paper under the head of Indians, that an interest is creating in the public mind in regard to the rights of the aborigines. We hope this interest will increase until public opinion shall decide either for or against us. We wish to know what the people of the United States think of us-whether they are willing to sacrifice us to the cupidity of some of our white brethren- whether they will sustain the doctrine of Secretary Eaton, and say that the guarantee forever solemnly given by the United States to us, is not sufficient to protect us in our rights, and the only alternative is for us to remove across the Mississippi. The policy of Washington, Jefferson, 'c. toward the Indians has heretofore been, evidently, sustained by public opinion, we should be glad to know whether the change proposed by President Jackson will meet with public approbation. When we are under frequent necessity of mentioning President Jackson's name, we hope our readers will not think us as indulging ourself in partyism (sic). It is not against Jackson we are opposed, but against the measure of the administration. We are happy to learn we are not alone in our opposition. Able hands have volunteered for the defence of Indian rights. We invite particular attention to the able piece we have re-published from the N. Y. American. The two leading articles in our present number are likewise calculated to encourage us much. In our next we shall give our readers an able article on the subject from the National Journal.