Published August, 12, 1829
Page 3 Column 1a
We had the pleasure of attending the annual examination of this interesting School on last Wednesday. Our time will allow us to give our readers but a very short account of it. It may be proper to mention here that the School is composed principally of small children, and of these the number of what are called full blood Cherokees we believe is greater than in any other School in the nation, excepting, perhaps, the Valley Town School. We were much gratified to notice this act, for we have always been impressed with the importance of special missionary attention to this class.
When we entered the School room the girls were reading part of the tenth chapter of Acts. Nearly all the girls read fluently, and answered promptly to the questions proposed by the teacher on the leading facts contained in the chapter. Their answers convinced us that they read understandingly. The boys then performed the same part with equal success. After a prayer by the Rev. M. Potter, the Scholars were examined in spelling ' reading, in which, in point of correctness, they excelled in a remarkable degree. We do not recollect of having heard a single mistake in spelling, and in reading they were equally correct, except in pronunciation one would discover, that some had not yet mastered the English language. We were altogether surprised to see this correctness carried into their recitations on History, the rudiments of English Grammar ' arithmetic. One class of the boys and one of the girls, recited with a remarkable exactness, the boundaries, principle towns and rivers, of each State -- seats of learning, the situation of towns, courses or rivers ' e. The boys then gave their visitors specimens of their oratorial powers. A few short single pieces and three dialogues were spoken. In this part of their exercises we thought they were deficient, possessing too much the common diffidence of Indians. The girls closed the exercise by repeating an original dialogue, written by their teacher Miss Amos, and by singing the Hymn,
Christians, hear those notes of anguish
Raised by man, a wretch forlorn;
Far beyond the sea they languish;
Without peace or hope they mourn, ' e.
It was a feast to hear them sing. The most interesting sight to us was the exhibition the little girls made to their parents and friends of their womanship. According to our very feeble judgment, the improvement made by them in this department of their education was worthy of the highest commendation. The smallest girls, hardly three feet high, produced a fine quilt, which they had made with their own hands, for the benefit of a benevolent Society organized in the girls' School. After the close of the exercises, the visitors were invited to a plain and wholesome dinner prepared by the Missionaries. Ninety five person seated themselves at the first table.
For our own part we are prepared to say that we were gratified, and have felt ourselves fully paid for riding forty five miles. Many more, we believe, felt as we did. Though there was a large company on Tuesday and Wednesday, yet we observed a remarkable degree of good order and good behaviour manifested. We saw no one at whom we could point our finger and say, 'there goes a savage,' except one, and he happened to be a white man from Tennessee. We saw this man stand before the window, to the no small annoyance of civil Cherokees, leaning upon his rifle.
From the Norfolk Herald.
GOLD. We are apprehensive that this precious metal is destined to be as common as lead: and then what will become of the currency? An Eagle will be reduced in value almost to the standard of its poor relation, the humble Cent, and be prized more on account of its beauty than its wealth. When it comes to this a man may have his tables and his chairs of massy gold, and yet want the necessaries of life.
Discoveries of gold mines in North Carolina have become so frequent that they have ceased to interest the newspaper reader. The following article from the last Fredericksburgh Herald, above that Virginia in reality is well lined with gold as her sister. But the misfortune is, that while there is so much of this golden treasure in both States, it is rare that we can get a sight of it above ground.
It no longer remains a doubt but that gold of a pure quality is to be found in this county, as it has already been discovered on eight different plantations, one of which, viz, that of Capt. Wm. F. and Dr. Ed. White, about $800 worth of surface gold has been obtained within a few months, and the partial diggings and examinations which have been made in several places, as witnessed by the writer of this, indicated an abundant supply.
From the Raleigh Register of Jun 23.
We are informed that a gold mine has been recently discovered in Davidson C. containing a vein of the precious metal, eight fee in width. This is the largest vein ever heard of either in this or any other country. They generally vary in width from two to five feet.
From Yorkville (S.C.) Pioneer of June 23.
It is with much pleasure we state, that a company of gentlemen of this District have commenced the gold mining business with every prospect of success. A few days since, we were shown a piece of gold, (about six grains) collected from about two quarts of pulverized rock, which was found in their mines in this District. We do not deem it improper to remark, that a gentleman of this place has discovered a gold mine on his planation, situated about a mile from this village, which, from every appearance, promises to be very productive.
From various indications throughout our District, as well as the spirit which animates our citizens on the subject, we should not surprised if, in a few years, York would become as, celebrated for gold mining as Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. There are still, however, wanting men possessing not only the capital, but the same enterprise of those gentlemen first alluded to, in order that the business may be successfully pursued.