Cherokee Phoenix


Published July, 22, 1829

Page 2 Column 4a


The Central Bank.- The Milledgeville Recorder of the 27th ult. says: 'The pencil of a Hogarth would have been inadequate to the representation of the scene exhibited before the door of the Central Bank on Saturday last, when the Bank was first opened to pay out money. The State-House passage near the door of the Bank was crowded almost to suffocation-the weather melting hot. Impatience, anxiety, hope and fear were depicted in the countenance of the multitude of applicants for money, who had come from the extreme points of the State, from East, West, North and South. A little past ten o'clock the door of the Bank was opened, when a rush was made to be first at the Cashier's desk-- the room was instantly crammed so full that those who wished to get out found it very difficult to make their escape-other passions were then conspicuous in the 'human face divine', joy, anger, and despair. This scene, instructive to the indifferent spectator, but at the same time humiliating, continued throughout the day.'