Cherokee Phoenix


Published June, 17, 1829

Page 2 Column 3c



From the documents which we this day lay before our readers, there is a not a doubt of the kind of policy, which the present administration of the General Government intends to pursue relative to the Indians. President Jackson has, as a neighboring editor remarks, 'recognized the doctrine contended for by Georgia in its full extent.' It is to be regretted that we were not undeceived long ago, while we were hunters and in our savage state. It appears now, from the communication of the Secretary of War to the Cherokee Delegation, that the illustrious Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe were only tantalizing us, when they encouraged us in the pursuit of agriculture and Government, and when they afforded us the protection of the United States, which we have been preserved to this present time as a nation. Why were we not told long ago, that we could not be permitted to establish a government within the limits of any state? Then we could have borne disappointment much easier than now. The pretext of Georgia to extend her jurisdiction over the Cherokees has always existed. The Cherokees have always had a government of their own. Nothing, however, was said when we were governed by savage laws, when the abominable law of retaliation carried death in our midst, when it was a lawful act to shed the blood of a person charged with witchcraft, when a brother could kill a brother with impunity, or an innocent man suffer for an offending relative. At that time it might have been a matter of charity to have extended over us the mantle of Christian laws ' regulations. But how happens it now, after being fostered by the U. States, ' advised by great and good men to establish a government of regular law; when the aid and protection of the General Government have been pledged to us; when we as dutiful 'children' of the President, have followed his instructions and advice, and have established for ourselves a government of regular law; when every thing looks so promising around us, that a storm is raised by the extension of tyrannical and unchristian laws, which threatens to blast all our rising hopes and expectations?

There is, as would naturally be supposed, a great rejoicing in Georgia. It is a time of 'important news' -- 'gratifying intelligence' -- 'The Cherokee lands are to be obtained speedily.' It is even reported that the Cherokees have come to the conclusion to sell, and move off to the west of the Mississippi -- not so fast. we are yet at our homes, at our peaceful firesides (except those contiguous to Sandtown, Carroll, 'c.) attending to our farms and useful occupations.

We have concluded to give our readers fully our thought on the subject, which we, in the above remarks, have merely introduced, but upon reflection ' remembering our promise, that we will be moderate, we have suppressed ourselves, and have withheld, what we have intended should occupy our editorial column. We do not without any means unnecessarily to excite the minds of the Cherokees. To our home readers we submit the subject without any special comment. They will judge for themselves. To our distant readers, who may wish to know how we feel under present entertainments, we captured in the memorial, the leading attitude in our present number. We believe it justly contains the view of the nation.