Cherokee Phoenix

The Executive Committee of the American Temperance Society, deeming it important that a publication

Published June, 10, 1829

Page 3 Column 5a

The Executive Committee of the American Temperance Society, deeming it important that a publication should be commenced under the patronage of the Society, and for the promotion of its particular objects, issue the following Prospectus of a weekly Paper, entitled.

THE JOURNAL OF HUMANITY, and Herald of the Amer. Temperance Soc.

THE JOURNAL OF HUMANITY is intended to be vehicle of intelligence respecting all the Temperance Societies in our country. It will lay before the public the plans, and methods of operation, adopted by the Parent Society, and by others. It will contain communications adapted to general utility, on the subject of temperance, and Reviews of well written books and pamphlets relative to the same subject. It will also pay particular attention to the subject of pauperism and of person discipline. In short, this Journal will make the public acquainted with all facts suitable for publication, and adapted to promote the success of the cause of humanity.

The Paper will not only oppose intemperance in the use of spirituous liquors, and in all its other forms, but will aim to suppress all kindred vices. As its title imports, its object will be to advance the cause of humanity in the largest sense; to alleviate the sufferings and woes of man, and to promote his domestic, social, and civil welfare.

It is proper to say explicitly, that neither religious nor political controversy is any part of the object of this Paper. Whenever religious principles are introduced, will be such as are directly adapted to promote Christian Morals, and such as will meet the approbation of all who fear God, and reverence the sacred Scriptures.

This Journal will contain summary accounts of interesting events in the moral, religious, and political world; and will notice whatever relates to improvements in useful arts, especially in the education of children and youth.

Finally, it is the intention of the executive committee that the Journal of Humanity shall be enriched by the most important information which can be derived from foreign Journals of various kinds, and information especially which related to the cause of benevolence, humanity, letters, and civil society. And with special reference to this department, it is the intention of the Committee to add another Editor, as soon as the prospects of the Journal will justify the measure. - It is hoped that in this way, the Journal will ultimately secure a patronage widely extended, and extended among the reading and intelligent classes of the community.

The publication is not in any degree or matter of personal interest or gain. The avails of it will be applied faithfully and exclusively to promote the benevolent object of the Am. Temperance Society, as set forth in its constitution.

It would be a subject of sincere regret with those who are concerned in this publication, if it should interfere with the circulation of any of the useful and excellent papers already devoted to the cause of temperance and humanity. But a regard to judgment and wishes of wise and good men in different portions of our country, and to the paramount importance of the object of the Society, has prevailed over all personal considerations.

The Committee indulge the hope that the designs and arrangements mentioned above, will meet the approbation of the community, and will be carried into speedy execution. If this country is to be saved from ruin, it is high time for those who love its precious interests, to awake to vigorous, united, and persevering exertion. A more particular development of the plan and principles of the Journal will be given in the first Number.

In behalf of the Executive Committee of the American Temperance Society, and with their concurrence,


Editor, ' Associate Gen. Agent.

ANDOVER, March, 10, 1829

CONDITIONS.- The Journal will be published on Wednesday of each week, at Andover, Mass. from the office of Flagg ' Gould, and in a style such as shall commend itself to good taste; price $2.00 a year, in advance, and if paid within two months; $3.00 if not paid till after the close of the year.