Cherokee Phoenix

Deaths in the U. States Army.-- Of the deaths in the U. S. Army the last year, one fifth were caused

Published February, 11, 1829

Page 3 Column 1b

Deaths in the U. States Army.-- Of the deaths in the U. S. Army the last year, one fifth were caused by the use of Ardent Spirits, and yet Congress refuses to take any measure on the suggestion of Mr. Sprague of Maine, to prevent strong drink being given to the soldiers except as medicine.

Why should not government use the power entrusted to it, to arrest the ravages of this infectious disease, among those who are in its employment.


North Carolina Banks.- After a debate of several days, in which great ability was displayed, and in which much abuse was cast upon these institutions and their Directors, Mr. Potter has so far succeeded in his design of putting down the Banks, as to have obtained the passage of his bill on its first reading, 65 votes to 54, directing the Attorney General of the State to institute prosecutions against them. But though this bill has passed its first reading, several of the members who voted for it, said they did so for the purpose of seeing whether the bill could not be made less objectionable on its second reading which was made the order of the day for yesterday.