Cherokee Phoenix


Published February, 11, 1829

Page 3 Column 4b


And Indians' Advocate

THE SUBSCRIBER commenced the duties of his station, as editor of this paper, with a trembling hand and a reluctant heart. He had no experience to aid him, and but limited information to recommend him to the public. He has however progressed so far, generally to the satisfaction of his readers, for which he is thankful. As the first volume of the Phoenix is on the eve of closing, the editor has thought best to apprize the public that a new volume will be commenced next month, and that the great object of its founders, the benefit of the Cherokees, will still be assiduously pursued. It is unnecessary to repeat and particularize the principles under which the future numbers of the Phoenix will be conducted.- The principles will be similar to those which have governed the past numbers. The paper is sacred to the cause of Indians, and the editor will feel himself especially bound as far as his time, talents, and information will permit, to render it as instructive and entertaining as possible to his brethren, and endeavor to enlist the friendly feelings and sympathies of his subscribers abroad, in favor of the aborigines.

As the present policy of the General Government, the removal of all the Indians beyond the limits of organized States or territories, is assuming an important aspect, the editor will feel himself bound to lay before his readers all that may be said on this subject, particularly the objections against this measure of the Government.

Particular attention will be given to judicious miscellany. Choice pieces on religion and morals, domestic economy 'c. will find a ready admittance in the Phoenix.

The original part of the paper will be rendered as interesting as the means of the editor will allow. Owing to a want of an assistant, it is impossible to devote a large portion of the paper to the Cherokee language as the whole must be original- The editor will however do what he can.

The friends of Indians are particularly called upon to assist in this undertaking by their subscriptions. Thus far, the Phoenix has been a dead expense to the proprietors. It is highly desirable that there should be sufficient patronage to secure it from the like pecuniary embarrassment in future.


Editors who exchange with the Phoenix will do us a special

favor by inserting the above in their papers.