Cherokee Phoenix

Indian Murder.- On the 31st of August last, six soldiers of Cantonment Towson, had permission to go

Published December, 3, 1828

Page 3 Column 2c

Indian Murder.- On the 31st of August last, six soldiers of Cantonment Towson, had permission to go to the Keameche a fishing. Corporal Thomas Gloyd and musician Glenn, preceded the party thirty or forty yards; when six miles from their post, those in the rear heard the report of a gun, followed by the exclamation, 'O God I am killed!' The party knowing that neither Gloyd nor Glenn had a gun, concluded they were attacked by enemies, ' returned to the garrison. After stating the facts, a detachment of twenty men was ordered out by Major Burch, under L. Casy, who returned with the corpses of Gloyd and Glenn, the former being marked with a ball and many arrows, and the latter with arrows only. The alarm was given, and the garrison with citizens and friendly Indians, amounting to about forty men, pursued the murderers, overtook them the fourth day encamped about ninety miles off, near the Blue Water River, dancing round the scalps of their victims. The detachment rushed suddenly upon them, a few only escaped through the thicket. The governor has ordered two detachments of militia to hold themselves in readiness to cooperate with the garrison at the Cantonment in case of necessity.