Cherokee Phoenix


Published November, 12, 1828

Page 2 Column 3a


Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1828

Mr. BOUDINOTT: I notice in the September number of the Holston Messenger, the following editorial statement. 'that paper,[the Cherokee Phoenix,] we learn, is mostly under the influence of a northern missionary: who manages it in subserviency to the costly establishments in the Cherokee Nation. I suppose I am the only person who can possibly be intended by the 'northern missionary', who 'manages' your paper. Your won denial of such an assertion might be sufficient, but I have thought it might not be improper for me also, being thus implicated, simply to oppose my own assertion, united with yours, to that of an Editor, who certainly cannot know. I am well aware that the circumstance of the Editor of the Cherokee Phoenix being associated with me as my assistant in translating and in the study of the Cherokee language, and still more the circumstance of my rendering to him occasional assistance, might excite jealousy; and I have therefore been particularly careful to have an answer always ready to any insinuation; which may be made. You will bear witness to the truth of the following statement.- I have never, in any single instance, given or intimated my opinion to the editor of the Phoenix, in regard to the insertion or rejection of any communication in that paper. I have never suggested a single remark of the Editor of the Phoenix, in regard to any topic connected with missionary establishments, or sectarian interests or differences of opinion. I have never written or dictated one sentence, which has appeared under the editorial head, except the few sentences in No. 35, published during the late sickness of the Editor, and, I believe a single note of one sentence, entirely unconnected with religious or political controversy, inserted with his approbation. There is, perhaps, no occasion for me to add anything, except to disclaim the least degree of influence in regard to the religious or political character of the Cherokee Phoenix, and to request the Editor of the Holston Messenger to insert this communication.


New-Echota, Nov. 6, 1828

The above statements are strictly correct, and as the Editor of the Messenger seems to be disposed to listen to both sides of the question, we hope he will, in justice to us, insert our unequivocal denial of the implication contained in his paper. The charge is a serious one, for it is intended to effect the veracity of the Editor of the Phoenix, and the General Council, under whose patronage it has been undertaking. We regret, that the Rev. Mr. Stringfield should give his influence in circulating the assertion above quoted. It is a mere fabrication, intended we fear, to effect the circulation of our paper. He should have considered that a charge is easier made than proved.

It may be proper to state to our readers the circumstances which have produced the implication in question. In the 14th No. of our paper, we inserted a communication of the Rev. Nicholas D. Scales, formerly Methodist Missionary in this nation. As we considered him in error, we took the liberty of adding a few remarks to his communication. This conduct of ours was highly disapproved by the Rev. Gentleman, in a letter addressed to us. Explanation was made by us in the 17th No., of one paper which paper, which we request our readers to peruse. Soon after we received a long communication from the Gentleman, which we thought exhibited too much of sectarian spirit, and having no desire to engage in any controversy, we rejected it, and returned it to the author. This communication was afterwards sent to the Rev. Mr. Stringfield Editor, of the Holston Messenger, a Methodist Magazine printed in Knoxville, Tennessee, and published by him with the remark, 'that paper, [the Cherokee Phoenix] we learn is mostly under the influence of a Northern Missionary, who manages it in subservience to the costly establishments in the Cherokee Nation.' Who communicated this assertion to the Editor of the Messenger, we are not solicitous to know, all we have to do is to declare it untrue, and challenge the author to prove his declaration.

It has already been stated to the public that the Phoenix was under Cherokee influence. It has never been, nor was it ever intended to be, under the influence of any Missionary or White man. We are extremely sorry that the charge has originated from a quarter not anticipated by us.

Ed. Cher. Phoe.



Extract of a letter from William Thornton, to the Editor of the Phoenix dated,


I understand that two of our people are in your nation hunting emigrants to this nation-they are to come without lands, we don't approve of this-and I hope that they will not be countenanced. That part of the Delegation that has arrived are all broke and silenced forever, and the others will fare the same way. I have a letter written (now to put in mail) by the Sub. Agent, at the request of the greater part of the Nation, saying that the delegation had no instructions to make such a Treaty, and they have acted with fraud and deception, therefore they consider the treaty made void until a further understanding. They have also asked permission for another Delegation to go on, in order that they may have a fair understanding with the United States.


MR. BOUDINOTT- Much has recently been said respecting the injury of stock from a fly which is supposed lately to have appeared in this part of the country. I have had cattle and swine affected with them, and have seen one horse badly affected. There is no doubt respecting the appearance of the fly. It is a little larger that the common green fly and its body partially covered with down or hair.- Three years ago last August I saw apparently the same fly depositing its young on a piece of chicken which had been cooked eighteen hours, while several persons were taking some refreshment, some distance from any human habitation. About six years ago I saw the same fly engaged on a piece of, perfectly sweet bacon before it cooled after cooking. In both instances the young crawled immediately.

When the young are deposited in a wound they grow with amazing rapidity, and soon cause a constant oozing of blood from the wound- I have made use of the Spirits Turpentine, and Camphor; both of which kill the maggots which came in contact with them. But the best remedy I have found is a strong infusion of elder leaves, which ought to be applied regularly and faithfully at least twice a day to the infected part. This course has in every case I have seen effected a cure in a few days.


A gentleman requests us to state that burnt allum (sic), well pulverized, and applied to the part effected is a most certain cure. It instantly kills the maggots.- ED.