Cherokee Phoenix


Published June, 18, 1828

Page 2 Column 3b-4b


Wednesday, June 18, 1828

We discover that the statistical table of Coosewaytee district, inserted in our first page, is incorrect, but we have not the means of correcting it.



We have been somewhat mortified to notice, that we have already brought upon ourselves the displeasure of some of our correspondents; whether deservedly or not, we do not undertake to say. The editor of this paper has acknowledged to the public his ignorance of many things, particularly of the rules which regulate other editors, and their correspondents, and it cannot otherwise be expected of him, as he undertook the management of this paper with no kind of experience, nor has he had an opportunity of consulting those who have. If the communications of some of his correspondents, which appears to be the ostensible ground of the complaints, sufficient allowance is not made for him. But has he erred? We have noticed other editors adding remarks to the communications of their correspondents- we considered it lawful so to do, and accordingly followed the example whenever the interest of our paper and the people in whose cause we have embarked, required. It is our sincere desire to do what is right, yet we will by no means guaranty [sic] our correctness, and we hope our correspondents will exercise the same feelings.

These remarks are occasioned by a letter which now lies before us, sent to us by mail, [postage not paid] of which the following is an extract. 'I wish you to inform me if, by your opposition to some sentiments on my communication, and false and strange apprehensions of other parts, you mean to avail yourself of advantages as Editor, ungenerous; or do you design to grant me equal privileges with yourself, as an opponent.' It may be proper to inform this Gentleman, that we do not court controversy with any man, and that he might have saved himself from sending such queries. One word more. According to the terms of our paper, we expect all communications post paid, excepting letters on business where the interest of the paper is concerned, and we hope all those who think best to send us a line, will be 'generous' enough to comply with this very reasonable demand.



Some of our subscribers have complained that they do not receive their papers regularly. The cause of this irregularity; we gave in one of our former numbers. Since then the mails have been so arranged by the politeness of the Post Master General, that our papers, we hope, will reach our subscribers without any delay.

Another complaint has also reached us, and that is, our papers are not done up in a substantial manner. There we acknowledge the complaint is reasonable, but the fault is not designed, but altogether from necessity. Our readers probably know that we live in a wilderness, and of course cannot obtain paper without considerable expense. As soon as may be, we intend to supply ourselves with good wrapping paper.