The scholarships described below are awarded based upon an audition for the School of Music and admission to the university. Awards are given only to students who have completed the university's Scholarship Application process. The deadline for this application is February 1 each year.
Unless otherwise noted, music scholarships are renewable contingent upon satisfactory progress toward a music degree and the recommendation of the music faculty, but only if you complete the university's Scholarship Application for the following year.
Academic Excellence Awards. These awards are supported by the music faculty through Department of Excellence Awards, off-campus recitals, and other fund raising efforts.
Mandy Buchanan and Daniel Ledford Music Scholarship. Endowed by the generosity of family and friends, this scholarship was established in memory of Daniel Ledford and Mandy Buchanan. Both students graduated from Tuscola High School and were active members in The Pride of the Mountains Marching Band at WCU at the time of their deaths. The scholarship provides support for music majors from Haywood County who are or have been active participants in the marching band at WCU.
Chancellor’s Scholarships. These awards from the Office of the Chancellor recognize excellence in academic studies and musical performance.
Barbara Dooley Accompanying Award. This award recognizes the ongoing support of the School of Music by Barbara Dooley through her work as an accompanist. The recipient accompanies the Concert Choir, so an audition on piano is required. Interested students should contact the Director of Choral Activities.
James Dooley Male Vocalist Award. This award goes to an outstanding male voice major recommended by the Director of Choral Activities. The award is in recognition of Dr. James Dooley’s many years of service to the School of Music and Western Carolina University.
Gulley Talent Awards. These awards are made in varying amounts to undergraduate students who provide musical services to the School. for the year.
Marching Band Scholarships. These awards vary in amount, based on the recommendation of the director of the Marching Cats. They are supported by donations from outside the university in recognition of this ensemble’s outstanding performances.
Music Faculty Scholarship. This scholarship is made possible by donations from music faculty members to support entering freshmen.
Pruett Scholarships. These awards are made in memory of Jonathan Pruett, member of the marching band. Preference is given to students from Jonathan’s home area (Surry County, NC) who are involved in the WCU band program.
Richard M. Renfro Music Education Scholarship. This award in honor of Dr. Renfro, retired professor of piano and former department head, goes to a qualified music education student.
Additional Sources of Financial Aid include a variety of federally supported programs administered by the university. Aid from these programs may be in the form of grants, loans or a college work-study program. The Office of Financial Aid works with students and families to develop an appropriate funding package based on individual need. Further information regarding federally supported aid programs is available online or from the Student One-Stop Center at 828.227.7290.