Revised: August 2018
This class is an introduction into the Unix/Linux environment. Unix/Linux is an operating system that is used in many businesses and academic institutions. During this course we will discuss various tools for working in Unix/Linux.
A major focus of the class will be on preparing scripts, using a variety of scripting languages. The purpose of this course is to give you a working knowledge of Unix/Linux, several scripting languages, and a variety of Linux tools and for you to become a productive user in this operating system.
Shelley Powers, Jerry Peek, Tim O'Reilly, and Mike Loukides, Unix Power Tools, Third Edition, O'Reilly Publishing, 2003
Grading procedures and factors influencing course grade are left to the discretion of individual instructors, subject to general university policy.
Attendance policy is left to the discretion of individual instructors, subject to general university policy.