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International Studies Club students meeting for dinner


International Studies Club

The International Studies Club is open to all WCU students interested in international affairs, regardless of major, GPA, or year in school. The club seeks to promote student-driven analysis of and engagement in the broader social, political, and economic world.

Benefits of membership include:

Organizing and participating in international-related events, including speakers, debates, panels, film screenings, charitable activities, community events, and social outings. Come join us and celebrate the world!
Gaining leadership experience by serving as an officer for the club. 
An opportunity to meet local activists, business people, civil society members, and political leaders as well as other students who share your interest in international affairs.
Expand your skills and your resume.

Also, you'll have fun!


Connect with IS Club on Facebook or Instagram.


Study Abroad

The world is literally full of options for studying abroad.  See the Office of Global Engagement website for more information.

Courses taken at a university abroad may be applied to the International Studies major, when approved by the Director.  Students can choose a shorter study abroad experience (typically through a faculty-led trip over the summer or university holidays) or a more immersive experience (typically in the form of a semester of study at a foreign university).

How do you get started?

Read more about our students abroad in our Blog

For students who choose to study abroad for a semester, the International Studies Program may offer some financial support to help off-set costs.  Interested students can apply for a $500 Global Catamount Award. Applications for this award are competitive. To apply, students must 1) be a declared International Studies major, 2) must have completed 45 hours of undergraduate coursework, 3) must be registered for study abroad in the next semester, and 4) must hold at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA. If you meet the qualifications and are interested, APPLY NOW

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