Advising Day marks the beginning of the official Advising and Registration period. No classes are held on this day so that academic departments and their faculty advisors can assist students in planning for next semester's classes and provide the alt-PIN required for registration. Many departments have students schedule appointments to meet one on one with their primary advisor on that day or during that week. Some departments hold group advising sessions, while others host informal social gatherings. There are even a few departments that have a mandatory attendance policy for Advising Day activities.
Departmental instructions and events for Advising Day will be posted below.
Check your Catamount email for Advising Day information from your department or advisor.
Honors students with declared majors should meet with their faculty advisors for Spring 2024 registration advising and to retrieve their alt-PINs.
Undeclared Honors students should meet with their Honors advisor for Spring 2024 registration advising and to retrieve their alt-PINs.
Honors Advisors Emily Sharpe & Colin Townsend will be available for appointments and drop-ins. You can check their availability and/or make an appointment with them in Navigate.
NON-HONORS UNDECLARED STUDENTS: Will need to schedule an appointment with their Professional Advisor within the Advising Center prior to their registration date. Emails will be sent to students’ catamount email account with more information.
Drop in advising for students enrolled or interested in the LEAD Minor or Social Justice Minor can stop by McKee G22 from 11:00am-4:00pm on Advising Day.
Mandatory to attend: Schedule-Palooza on Advising Day – Tuesday, February 20th
Located in Forsyth 101 from 9 AM to 12 PM & 1 to 3 PM
While you’re at Schedule-Palooza:
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Business Law at 828.227.3383.
All declared students who have a faculty advisor will receive information from them via email on how they would like to meet one on one.
Optional Advising Day events: Movies & Munchies!
Events located in Mckee 110 - everyone is welcome!
Followed by a discussion with Dr. Georgia Ennis
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at 828.227.7268
Students are required to meet with their advisor on Advising Day. Meetings will be held in-person or on Zoom as directed by each Faculty member. It is best for students to bring laptops, proposed schedules, and their degree audit to their appointment.
*For more details and instructions, please call the School of Art and Design at 828.227.7210
Students are required to meet with their advisor on Advising Day. Meetings will be held in-person or on Zoom as directed by each Faculty member. It is best for students to bring laptops, proposed schedules, and their degree audit to their appointment.
*For more details and instructions, please call the School of Art and Design at 828.227.7210
* For more details and instructions, call the Biology Department.
Mandatory to attend: Schedule-Palooza on Advising Day – Tuesday, February 20th
Located in Forsyth 101 from 9 AM to 12 PM & 1 to 3 PM
While you’re at Schedule-Palooza:
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Business Law at 828.227.3383
Faculty Research Presentations and a Q&A session for students to get involved in performing independent research with faculty. The event occurs from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM in AP 201.
Information session about chemistry graduate program options (ABM and regular MS program in Chemistry) done by Dr. Scott Huffman. This event occurs from 3:30 to 4:30 PM in AP 322. This is a good opportunity for students to know more details about our chemistry graduate program options at WCU including our ABM program (BS + MS within 5 years).
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Chemistry & Physics at 828.227.7260
All students are required to attend the morning, in-person meeting in Apodaca 201 from 9-11:00a.m., and to have a one-on-one meeting with your advisor.
To obtain your registration ALT PIN Number, you will need to have a one-on-one Advising Appointment with your department faculty advisor. Advisors will reach out to make appointments with you - either virtually or face-to-face. For a better advising experience, you need to come prepared to the meeting – have your audit and have a list of classes you need or want to take in the Summer and Fall.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Communication at 828.227.7482
Communication Sciences & Disorders will meet on Advising Day (2/20) located in HHS 209 at 9:30 AM.
Advising meetings will only be in person. Students need to bring their degree audit and plans for summer/ fall classes.
*For course sequence lists please visit the website at:
Mandatory to attend: Schedule-Palooza on Advising Day – Tuesday, February 20th
Located in Forsyth 101 from 9 AM to 12 PM & 1 to 3 PM
While you’re at Schedule-Palooza:
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Business Law at 828.227.3383.
We won’t have organized advising session like in Fall 2023. Students should schedule meeting with their faculty advisors. Usually all of our faculty contact the students to make appointments.
Our meeting are usually in-person, unless the student and the faculty have arranged a virtual meeting.
No departmental specifics; students should follow the instructions from their advisors.
No program related sessions for Spring 2024.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at 828.227.7245.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Construction Management at 828.227.2201 or email at
Students who joined WCU in the Summer, Fall of 2023 or Spring 2024 who have 45 earned credits or less should see Bryan Barbee in the Advising Center for advising and to receive their pin#s (
All other students need to attend the session below with primary faculty advisor. You will be receiving additional advising reminders/instructions from your primary faculty advisor. Students must bring a printed copy of your current detail degree audit, obtainable through myWCU and a tentative schedule. Additional individual advisement appointments will not be made during the remainder of this week (except to follow up on Advisement Day sessions) and PINs will not be released to students who miss their session.
CRIMINAL JUSTICE MAJORS: Find your scheduled session below by locating your designated advisor.
9:00 11:00
Belk 408 Belk 404
Dr. Vaske Dr. Brown (Dr. Mason Covering)
9:00 11:00
Belk 304 Belk 408
Dr. Hansen Dr. Youstin
9:00 11:00
Belk 409 Belk 304
Dr. Sefiha Ms. Skiscim
9:00 11:00
Belk 406 Belk 323
Mr. Morgan Ms. Cline
Belk 305
Dr. Caravelis
Belk 404
Dr. Mason
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at 828.227.2172
Mandatory to attend: Schedule-Palooza on Advising Day – Tuesday, February 20th
Located in Forsyth 101 from 9 AM to 12 PM & 1 to 3 PM
While you’re at Schedule-Palooza:
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Business Law at 828.227.3383.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Engineering and Technology at 828.227.2775
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Engineering and Technology at 828.227.2775.
Students not included in the groups above whose primary advisor is in Suite 201 should expect an email invitation to schedule a 1:1 appointment via Navigate with their Suite 201 advisor.
*For more details and instructions, please call the School of Teaching & Learning at 828.227.7108.
11:00 **EDM students please be at the advising session at 11:00am sharp**
Belk 409 & 406
Dr. Briggs, Dr. Jackson, Mr. Owens & Mr. Mazarky
Note: With nearly 800 majors in departmental programs and virtually all classes filling to capacity, it is critical that you attend your advising session and enroll for your classes at the earliest date available to you.
Students need to attend the session below with primary faculty advisor. You will be receiving additional advising reminders/instructions from your primary faculty advisor. Students must bring a printed copy of your current detail degree audit, obtainable through myWCU and a tentative schedule. Additional individual advisement appointments will not be made during the remainder of this week (except to follow up on Advisement Day sessions) and PINs will not be released to students who miss their session.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at 828.227.2172
Students Not Yet Admitted: Students that have not yet applied/been admitted to the EMC program are required to attend a mandatory meeting on Advising Day at 10:30am in room 311. In addition to students receiving their alt-pin, students will be able to meet current EMC juniors/seniors and faculty while playing around with some of the fun equipment!
Look for an email coming from your advisor with more details.
Questions or concerns? Contact Kimberlee Yontz at 828-227-3516 or Julie Conway at 828-227-2917.
Students Admitted: Students currently in the program will be contacted by their advisor with instructions on scheduling a required meeting.
Questions or concerns? Contact Jackson Déziel at 828-227-3532.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Engineering and Technology at 828.227.2775.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Engineering and Technology at 828.227.2775.
Mandatory Advising Event for all English majors on February 20th from 10-11 AM in CO 103. Food will be provided.
Students should also contact their advisor to set up a meeting for later that day.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of English at 828.227.7264.
Mandatory Advising Event for all English majors on February 20th from 10-11 AM in CO 103. Food will be provided.
Students should also contact their advisor to set up a meeting for later that day.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of English at 828.227.7264.
Mandatory to attend: Schedule-Palooza on Advising Day – Tuesday, February 20th
Located in Forsyth 101 from 9 AM to 12 PM & 1 to 3 PM
While you’re at Schedule-Palooza:
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Business Law at 828.227.3383.
Schedule a 1-on-1 advising appointment with your faculty advisor. Please bring a copy of your degree audit and draft schedule for Fall 2024 with you to your advising appointment. Look for an e-mail coming from your advisor with more details.
All declared ENVH majors are also required to attend a meeting on Advising Day (February 20th) from 1:30-3:00pm in HHS 204. In addition to important program information, you will receive your alt-pin during that meeting. We have a guest speaker (Dr. Carl Williams, NC Department of Health & Human Services) who will share updates on rabies in North Carolina.
Questions or concerns? Contact Dr. Brian Byrd at
We will be meeting together in Apodaca 402 at 10am on Advising Day to share all the vital information about next semester. Be sure that you also schedule an appointment with your faculty advisor. This may or may not be on Advising Day, depending on your advisor, but make sure it is before your registration date.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Geosciences & Natural Resources at 828.227.7367.
We will be having an Advising day meeting in UA at 9:00 am.
What you need for your Advising Meeting:
what program courses are needed.
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Stage & Screen at 828.227.7491.
Mandatory to attend: Schedule-Palooza on Advising Day – Tuesday, February 20th
Located in Forsyth 101 from 9 AM to 12 PM & 1 to 3 PM
While you’re at Schedule-Palooza:
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Business Law at 828.227.3383.
If you have <45 total credit hours including those attempted this semester, you will be advised primarily through the Advising Center who will provide your alt pin for registration. You may contact Katie Dunham at for information.
Please check your degree audit to determine the number of credit hours you have earned.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Geosciences & Natural Resources at 828.227.7367.
Students are required to meet with their advisor on Advising Day. Meetings will be held in-person or on Zoom as directed by each Faculty member. It is best for students to bring laptops, proposed schedules, and their degree audit to their appointment.
*For more details and instructions, please call the School of Art and Design at 828.227.7210
Students not included in the groups above whose primary advisor is in Suite 201 should expect an email invitation to schedule a 1:1 appointment via Navigate with their Suite 201 advisor.
*For more details and instructions, please call the School of Teaching & Learning at 227.7108.
* For more details and instructions, contact the History Department.
Mandatory to attend: Schedule-Palooza on Advising Day – Tuesday, February 20th
Located in Forsyth 101 from 9 AM to 12 PM & 1 to 3 PM
While you’re at Schedule-Palooza:
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Business Law at 828.227.3383.
Students not included in the groups above whose primary advisor is in Suite 201 should expect an email invitation to schedule a 1:1 appointment via Navigate with their Suite 201 advisor.
*For more details and instructions, please call the School of Teaching & Learning at 828.227.7108.
Your primary advisor will share instructions on how to get your alt-pin. Watch your email closely for communication from your advisor. Instructions will differ based on concentration, classification, and primary advisor.
Not sure who your primary advisor is? Contact Kimberlee Yontz at or Julie Conway at
In addition to the required alt-pin meeting, all IHS students are invited to attend an optional informational meeting on Advising Day. This meeting will be a one-hour professional development seminar for IHS majors led by core IHS faculty along with the Center for Career & Professional Development. This information would be beneficial to students wanting to be a competitive applicant after graduation (professional/grad school, internships, jobs, etc.).
Resume Building: Exploring Leadership Opportunities & Relevant Work Experience
11:00am-12:00pm, Health & Human Sciences building, room 433.
Note: This is strictly an informational session. NO alt-pins will be provided during this info session. Students needing their alt-pin should refer to the information above.
Questions? Contact Kimberlee Yontz at or Julie Conway at
All IDES advisors will utilize the Navigate platform to schedule individual advising appointments with ID majors. Though the bulk of appointments will be held on Advising Day, all advisors will offer additional days to schedule advising appointments, as their schedules permit.
All ID advising appointments will be pre-scheduled, individual, 20-minute meetings and held face-to-face in faculty offices in Belk #391. Students are required to bring a list of non- IDES classes they’d like to enroll in for the upcoming semester.
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Art & Design at 828.227.7210.
INST is at 9:30 AM in Apodaca 207.
*For more details and instructions, call the International Studies Department at 828.227.3899.
Mandatory to attend: Schedule-Palooza on Advising Day – Tuesday, February 20th
Located in Forsyth 101 from 9 AM to 12 PM & 1 to 3 PM
While you’re at Schedule-Palooza:
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Business Law at 828.227.3383.
Mandatory to attend: Schedule-Palooza on Advising Day – Tuesday, February 20th
Located in Forsyth 101 from 9 AM to 12 PM & 1 to 3 PM
While you’re at Schedule-Palooza:
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Business Law at 828.227.3383.
We won’t have organized advising session like in Fall 2023. Students should schedule meeting with their faculty advisors. Usually all of our faculty contact the students to make appointments.
Our meeting are usually in-person, unless the student and the faculty have arranged a virtual meeting.
No departmental specifics; students should follow the instructions from their advisors.
No program related sessions for Spring 2024.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at 828.227.7245.
We won’t have organized advising session like in Fall 2023. Students should schedule meeting with their faculty advisors. Usually all of our faculty contact the students to make appointments.
Our meeting are usually in-person, unless the student and the faculty have arranged a virtual meeting.
No departmental specifics; students should follow the instructions from their advisors.
No program related sessions for Spring 2024.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at 828.227.7245.
Students not included in the groups above whose primary advisor is in Suite 201 should expect an email invitation to schedule a 1:1 appointment via Navigate with their Suite 201 advisor.
*For more details and instructions, please call the School of Teaching & Learning at 828.227.7108.
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Music at 828.227.7242.
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Music at 828.227.7242.
NRCM will be having a general advising session REQUIRED for all majors at 8:00am in AP 302. They will then meet with their primary or secondary advisor in the major later that day for one-on-one advising. Each advisor has sheets posted on their doors and/or online for sign-up times.
*For more details and instructions, call the Natural Resources Conservation & Management Department at 828-227-7367.
Mandatory Meeting Schedule on Advising Day 2/20/2024 HHS campus room 204 for all undeclared, interested in nursing students and Traditional BSN Nursing students.
9:30 – 10:00 Undeclared Students with an Interest in Nursing: Last Names Starting with A-L
10:45 – 11:15 Undeclared Students with an Interest in Nursing: Last Names Starting with M-Z
For undeclared, interest in nursing students currently applying or preparing to apply in a future semester, your assigned meeting in the morning will cover:
The following meeting times and locations are for students currently in the Traditional BSN program cohorts based here in Cullowhee:
If you have questions reach out to Kate Miller ( in the Advising Center or your assigned nursing faculty advisor.
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Nursing at 828.227.7467.
Pre-majors: Meet and greet breakfast social! Meet with your advisor to receive Alt-Pin, meet the ND faculty, and learn more about the nutrition and dietetics program. Food and drinks provided!
9:00 a.m. in HHS 449
Look for an email coming from your advisor with more details.
Questions or concerns? Contact Kimberlee Yontz at 828-227-3516 or Julie Conway at 828-227-2917.
Students Admitted to Program 2024: Newly admitted students will meet as a group with the ND faculty to review important information about the ND program and receive Alt-Pin.
10:30 a.m. in HHS 449
Questions or concerns? Contact Ru Caulkins at or 828-227-2637.
2023 Cohort: Nutrition & Dietetics students will meet with their assigned faculty advisor. Look for an email coming from your advisor with details and instructions.
Questions or concerns? Contact your assigned faculty advisor.
PRM Majors, Minors, & Interested in PRM Students
Required* Advising Meetings
ALSO on advising day, there will be TWO break-out sessions following the advising
day all-majors meeting.
We look forward to seeing you all in Killian 102 on February 20!
*Attending the all-majors meeting AND your individual advising meeting is mandatory to receive your Alt Pin for registration. If you don’t attend both meetings, you won’t receive your Alt Pin until the last day of registration. The only students who should not attend the all-majors meeting are seniors who are graduating after their capstones this summer! Those seniors should still make a 1-on-1 appointment with their advisor to triple check they are meeting graduation requirements.
*For more details and instructions, please contact the Parks & Recreation Management Program.
Philosophy and Religion will have Chili, Soup and Cornbread at 12:00 and a group meeting at 12:30, all in ST 225 & 226.
*For more details and instructions, please contact the Philosophy Department.
PSC is at 10:30 AM in Apodaca 207
*For more details and instructions, call the Political Science & Public Affairs Department at 828.227.3898.
Psychology Majors with 45+ credit hours:
Psychology Majors below 45 credit hours:
General Advising Information for Psychology Majors:
Advising and Recruitment Coordinator for Psychology - Dr. Annie Wilson (
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Psychology at 828.227.7361.
Pre-majors (Pre-Recreational Therapy): On Advising Day, pre-majors are required to attend a mandatory meeting at 2:00p.m. in the Health & Human Sciences Building, room 421. Pre-Recreational Therapy students will be provided their alt-pin during this time. In addition, faculty member Jennifer Hinton and junior RT majors will be available to share information about involvement and Program admissions as well as answer questions.
Questions or concerns? Contact Kimberlee Yontz at 828-227-3516 or Julie Conway at 828-227-2917.
Students Admitted Fall 2023 cohort (new admits): 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. in HHS 421
Students Admitted Fall 2022 cohort (juniors): 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. in RT lab
Questions or concerns? Contact Kimberlee Yontz at 828-227-3516 or Julie Conway at 828-227-2917.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Biology at 828.227.7244.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Chemistry & Physics at 828.227.7260.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Geosciences & Natural Resources at 828.227.7367.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Chemistry & Physics at 828.227.7260.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of History at 828.227.7243.
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Social Work at 828.227.7112.
All declared students who have a faculty advisor will receive information from them via email on how they would like to meet one on one.
Optional Advising Day events: Movies & Munchies!
Events located in Mckee 110 - everyone is welcome!
Followed by a discussion with Dr. Georgia Ennis
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at 828.227.7268
*For more details and instructions, call the Department of World Languages at 828.227.7241
Mandatory to attend: Schedule-Palooza on Advising Day – Tuesday, February 20th
Located in Forsyth 101 from 9 AM to 12 PM & 1 to 3 PM
While you’re at Schedule-Palooza:
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Business Law at 828.227.3383
We will be having an Advising day meeting in UA at 9:00 am.
What you need for your Advising Meeting:
what program courses are needed.
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Stage & Screen at 828.227.7491
We will be having an Advising day meeting in UA at 9:00 am.
What you need for your Advising Meeting:
what program courses are needed.
*For more details and instructions, call the School of Stage & Screen at 828.227.7491