Formerly Executive Memorandum 77-32
Initially approved August 15, 1977
Policy Topic: Governance and Administration
Administering Office: Chancellor's Office
While under certain circumstances and situations an advisory committee may appear to be desired and necessary, it is suggested that such bodies be established only when the criteria listed below are satisfied, that such a body really is necessary and appropriate, and that approval for such action has been obtained from this office. The following procedures should be used in deciding whether an advisory body is appropriate:
A. The advisory committee is needed to assist in establishing and meeting certain standards or satisfying the requirements of an exterior agency such as an accrediting body.
B. The advisory body is needed to bring special expertise to the program or agency of the University which would otherwise be unavailable.
C. The existence of the advisory body would bring an involvement of a segment of society that would otherwise be unavailable to the University.
D. The existence of the advisory body is considered necessary in order for certain disciplines of the University to remain in close touch with the needs of industry or the people whom that particular segment of the University was intended to serve.
The request for an appointment of the advisory body should contain the following information:
A. Purpose of the body
B. Objectives to be served
C. Composition of the initial membership including officers, procedures for selecting other members to be contained within the membership, and details on other operating structure
D. Schedule of meetings and any special arrangements
E. Funding requirements and sources
The request to establish the advisory body should proceed through the normal channel, e.g., Department Head, Dean, appropriate Vice Chancellor, and to the Chancellor for his consideration and approval.
After having received approval for establishing the advisory committee, the person responsible for the office or agency creating the advisory committee shall provide the Chancellor with the names and addresses of the proposed membership of the advisory body.
After approving the membership of the proposed group, the invitation to serve on the advisory body will be extended by the Chancellor. The official of the University responsible for organizing the committee will, in his or her capacity as chairperson of the committee, call the first meeting and proceed with its operations.