Date: August 22,2002

Hospitality Suite, Ramsey Center


I.                ANNOUNCEMENTS

A.İ Minutes fromİ theİ April 25,2002 meeting were approved. (Proffitt & Kolenbrander)

B. Dr. Bardo, Chancellor

1.İ There is no budget agreement as yet and it may be some time before there is a budget.

2.İ The enrollment is up (6951) and may surpass the 7000 mark for the first time since 1975.İ There is a 71.5% retention rate.İ The academic quality is slightly improved over last year.İ There are 1220 freshmen.İ Graduate and extension enrollment are both increased.İ 90% of students are from North Carolina.

C.İ Mary Adams, Senior Faculty Assembly Delegate:

İİİİİ No Report. Information was given at the fall faculty meeting.

D.İ Lex Davis, SGA President:

İİİİİ No Report

E. Staff Forum:

İİİİİ No report

F.İ University Advisory Council:

İİİİİ No Report

G.İ Newton Smith, Chair of Faculty

İİİİİ 1.İ Introduced Rob Davidson, new Registrar.

2.İ There is lots of work to do.İ There is lots of excitement.İ There is a great spirit and lots cooperation.

3.İ Summary of Faculty Assembly, August 16, 2002

İİİİİİİİİİİ a.İ Report received from Faculty Governance Task Force.İ Approval to go forward and hopefully be finished by the end of fall semester.İ The next Faculty Assembly will be in January. Plans will be made for a vote on the new structure.İ When the structure is approved then the Faculty Handbook will need to be changed.İ Hopefully the new structure will be in place by fall 2003.

İİİİİİİİİİİ b.İ Items as they came up.İ The list will be organized and sent out to faculty.


İİİİİİİİİİİ Curriculum Creep

Our image in the community- community awareness- how do we represent ourselves to the community & Legislature


İİİİİİİİİİİ Marketing- Advertising- ìbillboardsî

İİİİİİİİİİİ Salary & Benefits

4.Newtís confession:İ He appointed council chairs.İ They should be elected by each council.İ Asked each council to elect a chair by the next Senate meeting.

A.    Roll Call

Members present:

Abel, M., Atterholt, C., Banerjee, D., Bardo, J., Beam, R., Caruso, R., Collings, R., Graham, G., Hale, D., Henderson,B., Kneller, P., Kolenbrander, N., Lunnen, K., Mallory, J., Mercer, G., Noel, R., Oran, T., Pennington, K., Philyaw, S., Proffit, A., Shults, B., Smith, N., Starr, K., Tholkes, B., Vihnanek, E., Wallace, J., Wooten, C.,


Members with proxies: Bauer, K., Bell, B., Spencer, A.


Members absent: Adams, M., Huff, M., Kane, H., Metcalf, C.İ


II.              COUNCIL REPORTS

A.İ Faculty Affairs, Gael Graham, Acting Chair

İİİİİ No Report

B.    Council on Instruction and Curriculum, Scott Philyaw, Acting Chair

Working on the ìcalendarî

New B.S. Telecommunication Engineering Technology (2002), B.S. Construction Management (2002), B.S. Environmental Science(2003) were approved byİ the Office of the President of UNC.

Authorization to establish has been requested for a Masters of Entrepreneurship Leadership and an MAED in Two Year College Teaching.

Permission to plan has been requested for a Masters in College Student Personnel.


C.    Council on Student Affairs

No Report


A.    Old Business

1.İ Task Force on Senate Restructuring

All meetings are open.İ Members will include teaching faculty non of which will be above department head

Senate is an advisory group.

Task is to ìwatch overî curriculum, evaluation and grading.

Senators will be elected by each department.İ Some smaller departments may go together to elect a senator.

Part-time and full-time non-tenure track faculty will also have representation.

Councils will be made up of faculty with administrators as advisors.

Administrators want their voice to be heard.

Senate Leadership Committee will consist of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary of Faculty, the Council Chairs and the Task Force Chairs. Administrative members will include the Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. This group will set the agenda for Senate meetings.İ The Vice Chair of the Faculty, a new position, will be on the Council for Curriculum and Instruction.

A time line for implementation and change will be developed after the next Faculty Assembly and a ballot vote.


B.    New Business

İ1.İ The following person were nominated and elected to committees.


Academic Problems Committee: Bruce Henderson & Daryl Hale. Jim Wallace and Phil Knellerİ alternates.


University Advisory Council: Gayle Miller, Dixie McGinty, and Karen Lunnen.


Rules Committee:

Motion: Appoint the Restructuring Task Force as the Rules Committee.

(Pennington & Beam)


Athletics Committee: Malcolm Abel & Chris Cooper


Faculty Advisement Coordinating Committee: Kathy Starr and Ben Tholkes


Admission/Readmission/ Retention:İ Kevin Pennington , LouAnn Carden, Judy Mallory


Curriculum & Instruction: John Habel, Julie Barnes, Will Peebles.


2.İ Discussion followed about attendance of faculty at committee meetings.

Motion: Refer the issues of faculty attendance at committee meetings to the Faculty Affairs Council. ( Proffit & Abel)


3.İ There is concern over the lack of action by the Board of Governors on the issue of academic freedom.

İİİİİ Discussion:

İİİİİ We should be clear in support of academic freedom.

İİİİİ We should take a stand.

İİİİİ Censorship is the closing down of any kind of debate.

İİİİİ Censorship shuts down opposition.

Motion:İ We the members of the Faculty Senate of Western Carolina University reaffirm Academic Freedom and the free exchange of ideas and information.


C.    Curriculum items

Bernie Dougherty made an informational presentation about the proposed BS in Emergency Management. A request for permission to plan will be sought.


What about the size of this program?

This is a unique opportunity to attract students.



The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM




The meeting adjourned at


Respectfully submitted


Elizabeth Vihnanek