Wilmot on the route

Motoring through the Mountains - 1930s: Wilmot

Jackson County
Altitude: 1,880 feet

The community of Wilmot was mentioned in the Federal Writer’s Project’s book, North Carolina: A Guide to the Old North State (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1939). The guide commented that, “At the end of a little valley just past WILMOT, . . . (1,865 alt., 250 pop.), is the only view of the Smokies from this route east of Bryson City. Clingmans Dome (R) is barely distinguishable from the other peaks.”

Wilmot in the 1890s  |  Wilmot in the 1910s

To the West: Whittier


To the East: Dillsboro

Return to the Map for the 1930s

Sources & Readings

  • Federal Writers’ Project of the Federal Works Agency, Works Projects Administration. North Carolina: A Guide to the Old North State. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1939.
  • Jackson County Genealogical Society. Jackson County Heritage, North Carolina, 1992. Cullowhee, NC: JCGS, 1992 (Volume 1) and 2000 (Volume 2).
  • Williams, Max R., ed. The History of Jackson County. Sesquicentennial ed. Sylva, NC: Jackson County Historical Association, 2001.