Cherokee Phoenix

From the New York Observer

Published August, 24, 1833

Page 1 Column 5b

From the New York Observer.


In the Christian Advocate and Journal of last week, we find the following letter from the Rev. Wilbur Fisk, giving information respecting the measures adopted by the New England Methodist Conference in relation to the contemplated Mission to the Flatheads. Our readers will rejoice to learn that before the close of the year 1834, these interesting heathens will probably hear the gospel invitation in their own language.

Middletown, June 17, 1833

Dear Brethren,- A brother in Christ as I doubt not he is, signing himself, a 'Presbyterian,' has recently written me on the subject of the Flat Head mission. He says of himself, 'that he procures a livelihood by the hand of daily labor, but desires to bear some humble part in our contemplated dispensation of mercy, to this tribe, by appropriating $5 to these brethren who will obey the injunction of our Lord,' and asks for further information on the subject of this mission. Now for the information of this brother, and all others who may be interested, I would say, that our esteemed brother, Jason Lee, was appointed by Bishop Hedding at the late session of the New England Conference, for that mission. Brother Lee is one whom all who know him judge well qualified for that enterprize. He is the man on whom my mind rested when the subject of this mission was first agitated. I know him well, and can most cordially recommend him to all friends of the enterprize, as one worthy of their confidence-and he certainly needs their prayers. Some other person or persons will be selected to go with him. The present plan is to have the missionaries leave here in the Fall, and reach some of our most western ports in their route, so as to start next March for the mountains. With his usual health, Brother Lee will be able to keep pace with the veteran hunter, in climbing the Rocky Mountains.- Mules will probably be taken to carry over the necessaries for the mission. The principle expense will be the outfit. This will consist of the necessary clothing, the mules, the tools, the seeds for agricultural purposes, and some articles that will be valuable in the Indian country, either as presents or to procure the natives the necessaries of life. When they get to their field of labor, they must live with the natives, and rise as they can elevate the wild man with them.

As some have supposed that what was said some weeks since by me, in a short communication in the Advocate was a kind of prohibition to any other who felt a wish to participate in this work, I would here say this was not my design. The Youth's Missionary Society here stand pledged to this mission, but they do not refuse to share the work with others who wish to aid in it, and they may need such valuable sympathy and cooperation, especially if the Mission should consist of three, as has been recently talked of. May the God of missions bless the undertaking. W. FISK.