Cherokee Phoenix

From the New York Spectator

Published August, 25, 1832

Page 2 Column 2a

From the New York Spectator.

GENERAL SCOTT'S COMMAND- The visitation which has arrested the efficient movements of a large portion of our little army, under a commander crowned with laurels, won in nobler fields than Indian warfare affords, is melancholy indeed. We shall not say that the settlement of the whites in some parts of the Lead Mine District and other places, where they had no business to intrude, justified Black Hawk and his warriors in their bloody retaliation. Nor will we say that the atrocious policy of our Executive,--tacitly sanctioned by the acquiescence of the nation, and clamorously applauded by the ignorant and the interested, of setting treaties and the solemn decision of the highest tribunal at defiance because it was only

Indians who were to suffer may make the premature discomfiture of our forces, by pestilence, seem in the eyes of the religious a manifest judicial punishment. We will not say these things, because it would be called cant. It is however, with sorrow that we state the facts, which we find for the first time, accurately condensed in the Courier and Enquirer of this morning. We quote from that paper.

We are happy to announce the return yesterday of Col. Twiggs to this city, in a state of convalescence. The account which he gives of the ravages of the cholera among the troops and the consequent dispersion of Gen Scott's command, is lamentable.

Col Twiggs' detachment consisted of 203 recruits, and Payne's, Whiting's and Brooks' companies of artillery, making in all 350 rank and file. These men embarked at Detroit on board the steamboat Henry Clay for Chicago, but in consequence of the ravages of the Cholera were landed at Fort Gratiot, which is situated at the outlet of Lake Huron, 80 miles from Detroit. In less that ten days, Dr. Everett, Lieut. Clay, and fourteen of the recruits, died at the Fort. One hundred and fifty-five deserted, of whom it is estimated that at least thirty have died-leaving of the 208 but 39 at the time Col. Twiggs left. Of the three companies of artillery, twenty-six died and twenty deserted. Thus were the 350 of which this command consisted on its arrival at Detroit, reduced to 135 in about 12 days!

Col. Cumming of the 2d Infantry, with Ransom and Hoffman's companies 80 men from Fort Niagara, encamped at Spring Wells, four miles south of Detroit. Of this number twenty-one died and four deserted reducing this detachment to fifty-five.

Col. Crane's detachment of artillery, consisting of 220 men, accompanied by Gen. Scott and his staff, embarked on board the steamboat Shelden Thompson and arrived at Chicago with eighty cases of cholera on board, having lost several soldiers on the passage. At the last accounts nearly all the officers and men had been attacked more or less with the disease, and Lieuts. McDuffie and Gustavus Brown (a graduate from West Point in June last, and not the son of the late Gen. Brown) together with fifty-five privates had fallen victims to the disease.

Capt. Lyon's detachment, consisting of his and Captain Frazer's companies of artillery, (ninety men) left Detroit on board of the steamboat William Penn and had arrived in safety at Machinac.

Major Thompson's detachment, consisting of his and Capt. Cubb's companies of the second infantry eighty men had marched across the country from Detroit, and would probably arrive at Chicago in twelve days.

By a letter which we published on Monday, dated Galena, July 14th, we learn that it was Gen. Scott's intention to march with his command across the country to Fort Armstrong on Rock Island but it will be perceived by the forgoing particulars, that of the 850 men with whom he left here, not to exceed 200 will be in a situation to take the field about 300 having been lost by death and desertions, and more than that number unfitted by disease for active service for months to come. This has terminated the expedition and Black Hawk having in the meantime dispersed his Indians and probably crossed the Mississippi, there is but little reason to believe that he will receive the punishment he merits.