Cherokee Phoenix

From the Williamsport Banner

Published January, 21, 1832

Page 4 Column 2a

From the Williamsport Banner.

The Names of HENRY CLAY, of Kentucky, and JOHN SERGEANT, of Pennsylvania, have now been formally placed before the people of the United States, as candidates for the two highest offices at their disposal. Before the nomination of these two distinguished individuals were made, the eyes and the hearts of all the National Republicans in the Union were turned to Henry Clay, the masterly orator and statesman of the West, as the object of their choice. The nomination of this gentleman then, for the Presidency, has only been the echo of the feelings and sentiments of the people at large. It returns to the bosoms of the people, and there finds an unanimous, a warm, a loud response, hailing it with increased applause, and assuring every honorable effort to give to it, when the day of trial arrives, a triumphant result.

No particular individual was fixed upon by the people, composing the National Republican party, as a suitable candidate for the Vice-Presidency. The task of selecting him was left to the free and uncontrolled will of the Convention. The selection that has been made was accompanied with the unanimous voce of the Delegates, and announced with the most enthusiastic applause. Wherever the intelligence has travelled, the nomination has met with the same marked approbation from the people. It will be universally approved and supported. The doings of the convention indeed throughout, signalized as they were by a harmony and unanimity of purpose and feeling without a parallel have everywhere been regarded with the most lively and cordial satisfaction, and have accrued the most determined co-operation among the body of the people.

All those who are opposed to the continuance of the present incumbent of the Presidency in office, and to the measures of his administration, will find in Mr. Clay and Mr. Sergeant, candidates eminently worthy of their support. Mr. Clay is a faithful and long tried servant. He has risen to his present elevated and enviable attitude by the powers of his genius, and an unalterable devotion to the best interests of his country. Early and late he has been the same unflinching republican, the ardent supporter of the Constitution, the Union, and the Laws, and the faithful advocate of those interests which have been denominated the American System. Every important measure of our government, during the last thirty years, is a standing memorial of his political sagacity, ' enlisted in its adoption the aid of his powerful eloquence. The late war, the sinking fund act, the Missouri question, all involving the dearest interests of the people, found him at his post, contributing his vast resources of mind to the accomplishment of their ends, and to the consequent glory and prosperity of the Republic. To him the Tariff and the Internal Improvement policies look up, almost as to a father, and even the present prosperous condition of the country-prosperous notwithstanding the retarding measures of the present administration -is obviously traceable to those wise measures of public policy in the adoption of which Mr. Clay either in Congress or in the Cabinet, performed a leading part.

An administration with Mr. Clay at its head will be distinguished by all those measures to which he is well known to be favorable. He will also confer dignity upon the government by the talents acquirements, and experience in matters of State, which he will carry into office with him. He will be at the head of his cabinet, and his just responsibility to the people will not be cast upon the shoulders of others. Keeping all flatters, sycophants, and office seekers, at a distance, he will be enabled to pursue with undeviating steps the true interests of the country, with a single eye to her welfare and happiness. In his election too, the people will manifest not only a becoming gratitude and return for services rendered, but will also exhibit themselves to the nations as accurate and sound judges of the requisite qualifications for office, and will afford an increased hope of the success and perpetuity of our free institutions.